[b]october fourth - not actually the destiny dev team[/b]
[b][i]the one about nightfalls[/i][/b]
[i]due to a recent surge of complaints regarding the way the nightfall has been reworked in destiny 2 compared to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTjCzs49nZ8]destiny 1,[/url] an update seemed to be in order.[/i]
[i]from the desk of executive director of endgame content, here is [url=https://www.google.ca/search?q=patrick+star&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihiZuk69fWAhUq8IMKHbQyCp0Q_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=949#imgrc=llQUKGKTGUH4rM:]patrick star.[/url][/i]
[b][i]hey guys! it has been brought to my attention by our forum moderators, who are always looking out for your [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/234268264?sort=0&page=0]feedback,[/url] that there have recently been a lot of people complaining about the way our nightfall strikes, a high intensity endgame activity with multiple high power rewards, have been reworked. if you were not aware, the way nightfalls have been reworked is by adding a timer that sends you to orbit when it runs out. the timers tend to start at 11-15 minutes, minus 2 minutes on prestige mode, with modifiers that allow you to earn additional time. many players have been saying that the nightfall is [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ka5DRSI1-k]too hard[/url] and that they want to [url=https://www.google.ca/search?biw=1920&bih=949&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=destiny+2+strikes+playlist&oq=destiny+2+strikes+playlist&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i24k1.15153.16164.0.16323.]relax[/url] while playing destiny. as the executive director of endgame content here at bungie, i want to make it abundantly clear that we want this game to be easy, assuming you have not picked up on this based on the abundance of legendary exotic drops past level 20. our game is meant for casuals and we don't want it to be challenging at all. we want it to be so easy that even while doing endgame content that drops high power level rewards, you can at the same time be feeding your komodo dragon and giving birth. you have asked and we have listened, so here is what i thought would be the best changes for the nightfall strikes to be made easy and completely stress-free.[/i][/b]
[i]thanks, patrick![/i]
[i]and without further adieu, here are the patch notes for update 1.0.04[/i]
• timer reaching 0:00 no longer sends your fireteam to orbit
• as the timer draws nearer to 0:00, the enemies will get weaker
• when the timer reaches zero, all enemies drop heavy- er, sorry, power ammo, and legendary engrams
• enemy power level brought down to 240
• oh, wait, it already was that low
• why are people complaining about this again?
• added hidden cheese spots into every room, good luck finding them!
• added ice breaker to compliment cheese spots
• [i]torrential light[/i] modifier is now a constant in all nightfall strikes
• vanguard tokens rewarded for completing nightfall strikes are replaced with level 300 powerful engrams
[i]thanks for reading guardians! keep in mind that here at bungie we want to make your destiny 2 experience as leisurely as possible, so be sure to return to the forums to report when an activity is found to be [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdTf4jsqMpk]too hard[/url] or [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSigSvh-dF4]challenging.[/url][/i]
Timer isn't an issue. However a timer with bosses that force you to sit and wait out their invincible periods multiple times on top of a timer is just stupid.
sad but probably way to close to being a real update
It’s really not that the timer makes it hard. It’s that the timer feels lazy and there are plenty of other ways they can make this more difficult than to try your absolute hardest to run by everything in an effort to beat the clock. If the only way they can make something hard is to add a timer, they aren’t good at their jobs. And it wouldn’t even be that bad if the timer was an occasional modifier every few nightfall’s but every single week is excessive and screams lazy.
Editado por DaysOfRage: 10/5/2017 12:56:20 AMWatch out for the "timers aren't difficult , just annoying" crowd below . Translation - They're just now finding out that he/she is not very good at this game.
Editado por Battle Haze: 10/5/2017 11:02:17 PMOuch. This hurt. [spoiler]I'm A Filthy Casual.... 😓[/spoiler][spoiler]*Goes back to The Sims, and makes a happier life as a [b][i]hardcore[/i][/b] gamer.*😎[/spoiler]
You and many others seem to be missing the point. The point of the timers is that it makes the nightfall annoying, not difficult, and not fun. Make it challenging through the difficulty and challenge of the enemies, not by some arbitrary timer that forces you to disregard all situational awareness and sprint to the end. If that’s your thing, you can still do that. The enemies should be as difficult on the regular nightfall as they are in the prestige. If everyone in your fire team is dead, it should be a wipe with no checkpoints. If you need to take an hour to complete it, in order to exercise caution and kill all the enemies, so be it. If you want to speed run it, they can add a timer to the prestige, or you can try to run like a maniac through the regular nightfall as your choice of style. Nothing in this game is challenging, but there is a lot of it that is annoying, and not fun. Many feel as I do, and want a challenge, and to have fun, not activities placed in front of us as a task to complete like a chore.
Yes, no game has ever made their content more challenging, except by adding a timer. I totally forgot.
I'm okay with the timers. I'm not okay with bosses that get to be immune after taking 5% damage and just burn your clock.
Nice one, but just saying, the torrent modifier is the single most fun thing I've encountered in D2. And that isn't a good thing. It's the only thing that makes the game feel like I'm playing D1 again while enjoying the stuff D2 has.
Editado por Powermix24: 10/5/2017 2:37:57 PMThe Night fall is FINE . There is no reason to do it at all since you get the exact same shit rewards from everywhere else . Oh yea Power means nothing in this game 240 nightfall and you are 303 power lvl ? well those enemies will shoot you at 303 power and you shoot them at 240 . That's why people are complaining about the Nightfall. You didn't see no one complaining about the Blackspindle Mission back in TTK . Cause you got something for Doing it . You got something that is good and worth a while , people actually used it not just get it and dismantle it like the Lion rampant worthless piece of shit or the Rat king that sounds all cool but has no use in these LARGE OPEN AREAS WITH BARELY any enemies in them .
Lets remove all the enemies as well, make it easy just walk to the end you get the rewards. Is that hard too? Oh okay so lets make it that you just enter and you instantly get the rewards. Oh still hard? Damn, at reset you get rewards at postmaster? Still complaining? Oh okay then, you get them directly on all characters. [spoiler]Why don't people put some effort and try to complete the nightfall instead of just complain?[/spoiler]
The best part of all of this, is the nightfall is the prestige nightfall... So if you're complaining about the 240 "nightfall" technically that's not the real deal... Just a heads up
The nightfall isn't a cake walk anymore. They should keep the timer and make it harder. Gives me something to do at least. My complaint would have to be for lack of rewards for prestige. The aura is cool but only last the week, which is fine but maybe they could reskin some more gear and make it a specific award for beating the prestige nightfalls. That way we have something permanent for our efforts. Even a shader, just something that will last.
The 240 normals are ridiculously easy, if people can't complete them with plenty of time to spare then they should probably play Pokemon or something. Artificial difficulty😂 obviously finding it difficult. Have to sprint through everything, that's your problem you're doing it wrong
.. I want a challenge. The current nightfalls can be one depending on the team
Editado por BraveCole: 10/5/2017 1:38:56 AMWhat the hell?? Nice -blam!-ing avatar. Brb Mmm. Juicy.
See related topic: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/234312512?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1
Cheerio, good show. I got a chuckle at this. Helped someone run the nightfall - regular, not even prestige - and they actually thanked me for making it so easy. Apparently everyone they tried it with from LFG was an absolute idiot and didn't know how to blink and breathe at the same time. Seems more and more common that people want end game level loot for simply giving it half-assed effort.
Lmao! This is an excellent post, sarcasm, and brings a very good point across. I would like to say that timers a good which makes games what they are (many sports and fun games have timers). That being said, I would hope Bungie can mix it up: Input timers at certain sections of a Nightfall. No timers, but kicked to orbit. Full timer.
I'd like to thank you for indirectly informing me that there are new profile pictures
Lol bump