Bring all of the salty tears here!
Lets see all those rustled jimmies!
Lets laugh at the ragers!
Cant wait to throw a NM shader on it so it looks better!
Edit 1:obligatory we're trending edit, and the legendary butthurt liked a comeback of mine. Its been a good day
Because just [i]of course[/i] the faction that wins is the faction that my 2 characters were not on. I mean wtf guys, they’re ideology sucks, their weapons suck, their armor sucks, and their shaders suck too!
I mean... the dead orbit sharers don't even look that good. Why they won.. beyond me.
I can't believe people passed on choosing FWC with a firefly pulse!! The DO scout is straight ass, dismantled it right after trying it out, it's the same shit as every other high impact scout
I was actually really surprised about this. I know they were popular in d1 but this time around I figured it would either be NM for their nice armours and shaders or FWC for their guns. Not really sure why everyone is making such a big deal about who won though. To me all the guns sounded decent but nothing special or amazing about them.
Can i ask where the hell is the proof of this and where are the final scores. If no one can answer that then how the hell do we know they won. Its bungie sitting there sayi g dead orbit wins without proof of fu ck all
Yes won, but crap guns. FWC best guns hands down
I just put one character in each so I could get whichever weapon became available.
Boooooooooooooooooooo (other than the titan helmet) boooooooooooooooooooooooo
I honestly just picked dead orbit for black shaders. I'll go new monarchy next time to get the shaders for my weapons.
Looking for new clan members to increase a new clan. All members are d1 vets and are willing to help players and increase game play. Just looking for players new and old and want to play the game and needs to be 17 years of age and older. Clan name: The Guardian regime Platform: xbox one Just send invite in game for clan and we will get to you Any issues please pm me on the app or on xbox
Editado por Brusilnik: 10/4/2017 1:03:22 PMSo what happens when they nerf high caliber rounds? Honestly curious. I bought the rifle and aside from HCR, I find Frontier Justice to be more useful.
grow fat from goth, absolute best thing i've heard in my [i]life[/i]
I can see it now. "Need one more for raid. If you chose Dead Orbit, don't bother."
'Nuff said
I have a question: Do we get any other chance to get any new tokens for them? Is there another rally in like a couple of days/weeks and are we able to change faction by then? My Titan took FWC be cause the stats on the gear is better imho (more defensive which is the nature of the titan plus THE NUMBER), but I really like the skins of New Monarchy on the Titan).
I personally didn't care who won, as long as I got the DO hunter armor, which I did.
Everyone knew Dead Orbit was going to win before this event even started, why; because of all the emo lemings. But what really sucks is why run these events at all, DO will always win these events and how is that fair to everyone who doesn't support the defeatist coward, "lets run away", faction? New Monarchy was the faction that go screwed over the worst in this event; DO won (was always going to) and FWC had no faction package cap so could farm endlessly for gear. I know I'm going to cop flack for this comment and people are going to say this is sour grapes etc. but I don't care that most people support DO, that is people's choice, my gripe is with Bungie making and running an unfair event like this.
I put the fwc shader on it out of spite.
The weapon any good? How much is it for a non dead orbit person to buy? And where do I buy it from. Thanks folks
NM supporter myself; nonetheless, congrats on the win.
I dunno, I've been doing pretty good with this scout. People just assume that if it's not mida it's bad. Probably because they need aim assist to survive in this game.
Why are there so many surprised/salty people? Anyone who played D1 knew dead orbit was going to win. I pledged NM because of the shader but i knew there was no chance in hell id win
Where are all my dead Orbit buddies at? And btw the scout is actually pretty good if used correctly
This event in m eyes was completely unfair, i hit the cap so quickly for new monarchy and got shit outta luck with getting a full set of the gear for my titan, sat there with my 10 shoulder pieces while my friend got endless amounts of shit from fwc, i dont care about dead orbit winning but common engram caps???