I am sure a lot of us have been out of power and will continue to be without power for a while. Besides the obvious tragedy of it all there is still the fact that most of us will not be raid ready come Wednesday/Thursday unless we grind hard asap. My clan is welcome to all kind of gamers especially does who cant game as hard or often . I personally will try to help as many guardians as I can and set up fire teams with a similar progress. Then combine two fire teams with a strong leader chosen amongst the clan who have grinded and maybe have seen some videos or post on raid completion and don't mind explaining to us hurricane noobs so we can enjoy the game as well. I know we are a small clan but we will be strong. If you want more details let me know. I have no restrictions on age, gender or ethnic backgrounds all are welcome. Yo hablo Espanol. P.S. if you don't feel comfortable with someone in the clan we can shift you around to meeting different members. Love you all and be safe.
P.P.S. If someone wants to help with the PlayStation 4/PC side of things let me know as well.
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