I'm not talking about remakes, remasters, whatever. I mean, same generation, same graphics, different hardware.
I own three copies of Portal: a 360 and a PC copy of the Orange Box, and the XBLA title Portal: Still Alive, which came with bonus maps.
Straddling the console divide this generation, I have two copies of Destiny.
And I'm currently considering buying The Talos Principle on PS4. I have it on Steam, and it's probably the best game I've bought this year, though I do love Crash. On top of that, I can try shooting for the best ending, as well as a different one for the DLC.
How about you lot? Are you as wasteful as I am? =D
Skyrim. Pc and console.
Both versions of smash 4
Yes. Overwatch, diablo, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, and a whole lot of playstaion and nintendo games.
Yes. Because I have lots of friends on both that can't afford both consoles.
Only one was BF4. Had it on ps4 when I wanted to play solo, and xb1 when gaming with friends.
Through emulators yes.
Destiny and world of tanks on both consoles
Dragons dogma dark arisen on ps3 and pc. Will also be buying ps4 version.
Minecraft. But the console version has always been super watered down it might as well be a different game
Metro Redux. I have it on both X1 and PS4. Still love it and can't wait for Exodus. Mirrors edge catalyst I also have on both X1 and PS4.
Borderlands 2 and Destiny. Almost bought Diablo 3, but backed out the last second.
Skyrim, fallout new vegas, fallout 4, and minecraft
I think Skyrim is the only game I've bought for multiple consoles. And it was the Remaster with modding and all the DLC's... So I thought it was justified.
Transformers on ds and ps3 Simpsons game on ds and ps3 Not sure whether you'd count these but: Cod: ghosts on ps3 then ps4 GTA V on ps3 and ps4 Bully on ps2 and ps4 San Andreas on ps2 and ps4 Vice city on ps2 and ps4
I had GTA on my PS4 and on the pc
I have GTA V on PS4 and PS3, didn't bother getting any other PS3 games for my 4.
Editado por Soupreem: 8/13/2017 12:11:18 AMI have Black Ops 2 on PS3 and Xbox. I have World at War on PC and Xbox. I have Burnout Paradise on PS3 and Xbox. Once I get a real Gaming PC, I'll have Overwatch on PS4 and PC, Titanfall 2 on PS4 and PC, I'll probably get both versions of Fire Emblem Warriors (3DS and Switch). I'm getting Skyrim on Switch when it comes out (already have it on PS4 and I'll get PC version when I get an actual PC). I have the Wii and 360 versions of Lego Star Wars. There's also Minecraft on everything except for my toaster and Nintendo stuff. Rocket League on Xbone and PS4 as well.
Terraria and minecraft, I think. Soon overwatch when I get my PC working right
I own Xbox 360 and Wii variants of: Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga Lego Indiana Jones Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
I owned Spiderman 2 on GameCube and PS2. That's all I can think of.
Does Dig-Dug on the Atari 2600 and at the arcade count? If not then no. I've never owned more than one console per generation.
I own Overwatch and Fallout 4 on both my PC and PS4.
Yup. PS4 and pc. BF3 BF4 BF1 Rainbow six: siege. Black ops 1 and 2 Borderlands 2 They are fun to play on both consoles so I buy it for both :)
I had GTA V on both PS3 and PS4
I have bf4 on 360 and xb1 and also nfs carbon on wii and 360
I own Shadow of Mordor on PC and twice on PS4, haven't played it on PC yet. I own Minecraft on Xbox 360, PC, and PS4, but I've played it extensively on all three. That's what comes to mind. Not too wasteful, really. The two copies of SoM is due to it being cheaper to get the GOTY version than to pay the season pass.