Apparently I turned 12 on recently (today?)! While I’ve never been the biggest fan of ‘birthday’ threads (and there’s many people who have been here a ALOT longer than I have), I realised recently that I’ve been on apart of this community for longer than half my life! I joined this site back in 2005 to check out my stats for this little game called Halo 2, not long after that I found the forums and the rest is history.
Over this time, I’ve seen a lot of change on this site (I saw the life and death of the Navbar, Member Titles, the “New Hawtness” and ‘’), I’ve seen people come and go; I’ve made some of my core friends who I have played games with for years. I’ve been around to see Bungie make 6 (soon to be 7) kick ass games that I’ve loved to play.
I want to take this opportunity to say a massive [u]THANK YOU![/u] Thank you to Bungie for making games that have brought some many people together. For making a game that got me into FPS’s and Online Gaming. And finally, for forming a community that has forged life long friendships and connections.
And thank you to the Bungie Community; to all the Ninja’s who clean up this place and stop this place from descending into the abyss. To the Mentors who make sure people know where to go and feel welcomed. To the Old Guard aka [i]The Seventh Column[/i] who have been here from anywhere between 10-15 years laid the foundations of this great community. And to the newbies, who have made this place their own and enjoyed it as much as some of the old guard have when we first joined – you make this community better.
Over my 12 years here, I’ve gone through a lot of great joys and personal lows – but this site has always been a place I can come to to make lame jokes and discuss games that have meant a lot to me over the years.
And because my account is older than some people on this site, I’m going to take this as a chance to share two thoughts of wisdom that I've learnt over my time on these forums…
[b]First:[/b] Remember that behind every username and post is a real life human being who deserves to be treated with respect. A person that could be going through a pretty rough time and they’re on this site, and playing games, as a way to escape. Play nice – Don’t be a jerk.
[b]Second: [/b]Post quality posts. The thing that has made this place great in the past, and the thing that will continue to make this place great, is when people make good, thought through, quality posts. Not this random meme crap that people are into these days – but legit posts.
Anyway, thanks for the good times, and I look forward to many more to come!
P.S. To avoid making this posts come across as attention grabbing, blog post purely about me; why not take this time to share your favourite memory from your time being apart of this community.
Editado por Nayte: 7/30/2017 6:38:17 PMHappy 12 years on! That's quite the milestone. Some of my favorite moments in the community was the friendships made back in the Halo days, especially forming a great team to tackle the vidmaster challenges in order to unlock the coveted recon armor. More recently, it has to be all the great community members I've met while raiding in Destiny. There's something special about coming together as a team and knocking out the challenge of a raid, particularly with folks you've never played with before. Looking forward to what comes next.
Well said. Fav memory was teaming up with Randoms to take down Skolas for the one and only one time. Once was good enough for me.
Best was when I was insulted by someone stating my K/D sucked and I then took it upon myself to not ever be told that again.