That was a really cool boss. He seemed like an ancient dude with those wings and that lightning.
Gael was the embodiment of everything that the Champion of Ash should strive to be. He knew that the Dark Soul would corrupt him, that it would ruin him, and yet he journeyed through the Ringed City, through the countless ages that passed after we woke Filianore, until he had found the Pygmy Lords, and alas the Dark Soul of Man. Gael was, in my eyes, the greatest Boss Dark Souls 3 and maybe even the entire franchise ever produced
You seem like you know your stuff. I've never looked into the lore. Which left me perplexed when waking up Filianore. How everything just turned to ash. My favorite boss was Knight Artoris.(probably spelled that wrong) He was actually a hero. But got taken over by that shit he didn't want roaming around. So he consumed it for the better good.
Well, its all speculation when we wake Filianore. i'd like to think that we are thrust to the end. The end of the Age of Fire, but its not like when we as the Champion of Ash are awoken. this is when the flame has finally gone out, and the Age of Man is setting in. And I do agree with you on the notion of Knight Artorias being a hero (you only missed an A in the name :p but its fine). Artorias sacrificed himself to prevent the further spread of the Abyss and even though he failed in that effort, he managed to keep the Abyss trapped long enough for you to be thrust back in time to Oolacile and stop Manus, Father of the Abyss.
Yeah, it's kind of sad seeing Artorias like that. But at least he'll be remembered as a hero who helped shut down the Abyss. I wish there would be more Souls' games. But unfortunately not. Hopefully they make Bloodborne 2. It isn't as great as Souls'. But still a great franchise.
tbh, ive never played Bloodborne. too busy playing Souls games lol.