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Editado por PhNx Hellfire: 6/27/2017 5:44:34 AM

Shoulder Charge apparently confirmed to not be OHK in D2.

Taking this from this other [url=]thread[/url]. Jon Weisnewski apparently tweeted a response, to that user, saying it will never one hit kill. I'm personally vocal about it not by saying that it needs to. The entire point of exposing yourself to gunfire IS to One Hit Kill. For it not to is extremely underpowered by the very nature of it and also not going to help crucible considering it was already reported way back in 2015 that shoulder charge equipped titan was the lowest of all the titan k/d spreads and typically negative k/d spreads against other classes averages. Please don't do that Bungie. We WANT to feel powerful. ALL guardians. To ever diminish ANY abilities including grenades sets up a bad precedent that we might as well have very little to no ability combat and more guns similar to Anthem (which they have already demonstrated mortar and multi-lock targeting in a very fun sci-fi way) which IS going to be direct competition and already drawing my attention the way these abilities are being touted already. Anyone else in general dislike about all this? Because I was considering leaving for a few reasons, but this is getting way too much change across the board. I'm finding the list is so short in what WAS fun in D1 is not even close to translating in D2... again, just my thoughts on all of this, but shoulder charge NOT a one hit kill? Why would I ever expose myself to hand cannons or shotguns or fusion rifles or auto rifles with high impact low rof or mida-build scout rifles then? It only takes a few bullets from any of those guns plus a melee against.... only one, non kill, melee. You might as well replace it at that point because why would I expose myself to it without juggernaut, which is in the exact same tree and no exotic to grant it otherwise?

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  • With the notably decreased times to kill across all "primary" weapons and reduced radar range, and severe reduction of counter weapons such as Shotguns and Fusion Rifles (Since most of the time all of two people on a given map will have said weapons, one of them likely on your side) and Side Arms being balanced as "Primary Weapons" with similar TTKs, there was no way this was going to get into the final build of the game as a OHK. If it did get it's OHK, it get nerfed promptly as it would easily turn into the meta within a matter of days after launch. Even on the one given map we saw (and D1's love of mid to close range maps), it be very powerful due to the close quarters nature with all the corners and cover. You are right though, there should either be more to the ability or it should be removed, but in D2's state a OHK is just something that will not work for long before it becomes the rage of the community with the nerf cries echoing. recap: If SC is a OHK. Slow TTK "Primary" weapons would make SC strong. CQC Maps would make SC strong. (Destiny Loves CQC maps). Having FEW enemies with counter weapons makes SC strong (Most of the time, 1 out of 4 guys will have a counter weapon, assuming the one he's using is a good counter, that's not a whole lot). Given that ALL THREE are going to be the case, a OHK SC is would be a NIGHTMARE in D2 crucible, assuming it functions as in D1.

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