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Editado por car15: 6/16/2017 12:46:41 PM

When is abortion acceptable?

Only in the first days after the pregnancy (i.e. the morning-after pill)


Before the second trimester


Before the third trimester


At any point prior to birth


Only when the mother's life is in danger


Never; I oppose abortion in any form


Other; describe in your comment


Here's the twist. You actually have to [i]defend[/i] your vote. Back it up with actual reasoning. Explain to me how you arrived at your particular choice. Otherwise, you are either allowing others to choose for you without critical thought, or you are making a choice based on nothing. I believe abortion is acceptable only when the mother's life is in danger. The debate really comes down to whether you believe a fetus constitutes a human life with rights. I believe it does. I believe this is a self-evident premise & that cut-off points advocated by supporters of abortion are chosen in an arbitrary way. Therefore, it is not acceptable to end the life of a human being. If the mother is inconvenienced by her pregnancy, too bad. That does not give her the right to kill another person just to alleviate her own burden. Maybe she should have not gotten pregnant in the first place. However, abortion is acceptable when the mother's life is in danger because (obviously) the mother is a human being too, and therefore she has the right to defend her own life. It is my moral and ethical position that all people have the right to defend their own lives when threatened against any assault, using any means necessary. In this case, it becomes a "survival of the fittest" scenario, and the mother gains the right to exercise her fitness as a fully grown, mature human being over the undeveloped fetus leeching away her life force. See? I stated my position and made a logical argument supporting it. I made my premises clear and explained how they led me to my conclusion. Why do abortion advocates have such a hard time doing this in a logically consistent way?

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  • Editado por Syronck: 6/22/2017 5:05:46 PM
    Only when the mother was ra[b]p[/b]ed and that resulted in conception. This would need followed by absolute proof. Also, it doesn't count if both guilty parties are drunk. That's your own fault for getting to that point. Beyond that, it's your own damn fault if you get knocked up. Don't want to get pregnant? Dont have sex, take the pill, have the guy have a vesectomy, or have the girl remove the ovaries, etc. Worried the pill will fail? Just don't have sex. You're adults or (unfortunately sometimes) young adults. Take responsibility for your actions.

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  • When posts like these are made:

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  • I'm against abortions in all cases except for -blam!- and failed contraceptive measures. I really don't care what women do with their bodies but until men don't have to pay for babies they don't want women shouldn't be able to abort babies that they do. It takes two to tango

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    • When the mission fails.

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    • I think abortion should be legal up until the point that the fetus is likely to survive outside the womb. Someone wanting to stop an abortion after that point would have to file a civil suit & legally adopt the baby once its born.

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      • Was hoping for a penis poll... 😞

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        • When the baby is born

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          • It's difficult and a little painful for me to defend abortions. My mother didn't want me. She tried to kill me several times after birth, and she wanted to abort me before it, but her family convinced her it was an bad and/or immoral decision. Her life may have been better without me in it. Does this mean I shouldn't have born? Do I not have a right to live? I feel like supporting abortion retroactively supports my never being born. So..I don't have a happy answer to this. And I'll try not to hold it against anyone thst has a different one.

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            • IMO it's acceptable up until the point where the foetus could theoretically survive outside the body, at which point abortion should be restricted to extreme circumstances. Although I find the idea of abortion unpleasant, it is not my place to dictate to others what they can and can't do with their own bodies. I don't care about their motives, since it doesn't affect me.

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              • Editado por Jörmungandr: 6/17/2017 9:31:54 AM
                There's a reason murder is such a bad crime... you're ending the life of someone who wants to live (if they don't, it's assisted suicide). They know they are alive and want to keep it that way. Many people have emotional attachment to them and would be deeply saddened by their loss. A fetus has no clue that it's alive, nor that it ever will be. No one besides the mother will have a real emotional attachment to it. Family members who wanted a niece/nephew/grandchild/etc might not be happy about its loss, but they wouldn't be saddened by its loss the way they would the loss of a 10 year old they'd actually gotten to know. So, no one would truly miss them, and they don't actively wish to live, nor are they even aware they exist or that they ever will. So, I see no problem with abortion, be it out of necessity or convenience. To add to this, there are 2 alternatives and neither are good. The first is to be kept after birth. If the mother just didn't want the baby in the first place, it's likely they would not be happy about having to put up with it. Its life would be full of resentment from its mother (and possibly by it's father). This, at best causes a terrible childhood. At worst, it comes down to abuse and lasting mental disorders and scarring. The 2nd option is adoption. Who the -blam!- knows how long it would take to get adopted, let alone if it would get adopted into a good family. At best, it gets adopted into a good family and always wonders why it's original family got rid of it. Mental shit could easily arise from that knowledge. At worst, it gets adopted by abusive people and either gets stuck with them forever or gets sent back, then has to be adopted once more. Whether this next family is better or worse than the last remains to be seen. Mental scarring and other issues would definitely arise from this. Now, while either of these options are hell, if I - right now - was given the option of death or going to the adoption agency, it would be an easy choice. But, for a fetus, that has no clue that it's alive or ever will be, is it not better to save it from all of this?

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                • If the female wants an abortion they can have it and no it isn't murder, the baby is still in the womb and can't even make choices for itself yet so i wouldn't even call it murder. -blam!- the parasite, population control

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                  • I don't think anyone should have an abortion, but I also don't think they should be prohibited from having one. People need to realize that the best way to prevent abortion is to get people to use contraception.

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                  • Abortion is a personal choice, and rarely a easy one to make. Keep your nose out of other people's reproductive organs.

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                    • If abortion is murder then wanking is genocide...

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                      • this thread is pretty ironic from a supposed adult film producer.

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                      • Editado por Art Vandelay: 6/18/2017 9:39:16 PM
                        I'm mainly against them unless the mother's life is in danger. Not only is it killing babies, but it gives people that "get out of parent free" card. It allows people to make poor decisions. Basically, it changes the way people think and act about sex and makes society too sex-driven, and less civilised. I'd prefer people to have the mindset to build and raise a strong family rather than to just get laid. But the latter is often the popular mindset and is why so many relationships fail these days. I feel abortions have a lot to do with that, not entirely, but definitely plays a role. To those who say it is the woman's choice: she already made her choice by having sex. You should not be allowed to kill a potentially great human being because you value convenience and a few seconds of self pleasure over human life.

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                        • Editado por The Researcher: 6/19/2017 5:18:33 PM
                          Quite frankly I think that people need to learn how to live with consequences. If you don't want a baby either: use condoms (or other stuff that decreases the chance of a woman becoming pregnant) Or don't have sex at all. Isn't having responsibility something you're taught as a child? [spoiler]although that may not always be the case. If it's a case of r@pe, I say it's totally fine, but then we can't know for sure if the woman is lying or telling the truth. If it's a case of the contraceptive failing, well, as I said before, if you wanna be sure don't even have sex until you're ready.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I think if a womans life is in danger she should get to choose to abort. Although, those don't always mean the woman WILL die. I've met a lady who decided she would rather give birth so the baby could be born, and give hr life in the process, but... she lived. Just saying it's not a rule that the woman will die.[/spoiler]

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                          • when the baby is of a darker complexion

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                            • When the mother goes into labor, bring on the saw and vacum

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                            • Only during the first trimester or if the mother's life is in danger. During the first trimester, the fetus does not pass all the requirements for life, therefore no life is being ended.

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                            • I don't have to explain shit, beeotch.

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                            • Incest is wincest

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                            • 1
                              I believe it is allowable up to the 400th trimester. You bet your ass Junior will do his homework & little Suzie will change that outfit without pouting!

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                            • I think that the choice should be the mother's, always. I don't care why someone is pregnant, that's their business. And if someone wants to end their pregnancy, that's their business too. Someone ending their pregnancy has no effect on me or anyone else, nor does it affect society at large. I think that the 24 week mark that the Supreme Court set is a fair compromise for states to be allowed to follow when regulating late-term abortions (except in cases of -blam!-, incest, and the life of the mother being in danger). Furthermore, I think that abortions should be regulated strictly as a medical procedure, not a moral issue. Getting an abortion is, in most cases, a simple procedure that only involves the woman taking a pill to induce a miscarriage. The danger of abortions is [url=]extremely low, [/url]and it's less likely that a woman will die from abortion related complications than from [url=]childbirth related complications.[/url] In short, it should be as simple to get an abortion as it is to have any other minor medical procedure.

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                            • Well, a child is it's parents property. If the parents ever want it dead, even after it's born, so be it

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