We are spiritual beings in a physical body. 7000 years ago, God created the entire universe as described in Genesis. He created everything in six, literal 24 hour days and on the seventh He rested. This is where we get the concept of a seven day week. Adam and Eve, the first people were created on the sixth day and were given the task of maintaining the earth. Adam made a decision of rebellion against God and thus brought sin into the world. 5000 years later God would send His only Son, Jesus Christ to live a perfect life so that he would be an acceptable substitute for our sin. When we are born we have a fallen sin nature that, if not corrected will damn us to an eternity of separation from God. It is only through faith in the saving work of Christ, who willingly sacrificed His life to atone for our sins, that we can correct our very nature.
That which precedes language cannot be put into words in any meaningful sense.
What if when we die we relive our life and we r dead reliving our life???
[url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iUjy2EnodNg]this is[/url]
Everything is fundamentally the same. Whether you call it physical or spiritual doesn't matter, for those terms are philosophical concepts for things you assume to be separate and different, but which actually are far from either of those things.
Editado por yttrgtr34r: 6/14/2017 9:05:42 AMWe're all users in a giant web forum. Our governments are the webmasters who shape our experience and surroundings. The law is the CoC that directs all users on what not to do. The police are mentors and ninjas who discipline us for making mistakes. The subforums are different cultures within our world. Imprisonments are temporary bans, death is a permanent one.
There is no soul, god or afterlife
None of you are real. My own mind is the only thing I can be sure of. I'm just a hallucinating Boltzmann Brain.
Baby don't hurt me?
Life is an opportunity to play video games.
Ball is life my man
One big cum dumpster that is overflowing.
we r in a computah simonlattesun.