In this thread, I will post truths that you are unlikely to believe & certain not to hear in mainstream media. I will add items to the list as I think of them.
9/11 was Mossad, not al-Qaeda
The media is run by the CIA
Most of the CIA's budget goes toward propaganda
Education has been hijacked and corrupted
Pornography is engineered in order to manipulate the behavior of the public
Fluoride is neurotoxic
The CIA killed JFK
The US intelligence apparatus directly supports terrorism
The refugee crisis was engineered to shift voting demographics of European peoples
Greek debt crisis was engineered by the EU to create a vassal state
The Ukraine civil war was started by NATO
Trump did nothing wrong
The elite want a socialist one world government with centralized resource control
The 2008 global financial crisis was started by the Rothschild banking family on purpose
Global warming is mostly a scam - it is a real phenomenon, but it is caused by natural processes, not human activity - the vast majority of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere come from the oceans due to the orbital periods of other planets changing Earth's tidal patterns
Bush knew there were no WMD's in Iraq
Muh Russia is a DNC-crafted lie
John Podesta had Seth Rich killed on behalf of the DNC
Sandy Hook probably didn't happen - at the very least, we know [i]for a fact[/i] that significant portions of the media coverage were faked
The Illuminati is real - they are a globalist supermafia formed from the top echelon of elite banker families of all nations
The Bilderberg Group is a tool used by the Illuminati to communicate their agenda to members of the elite outside of the organization and convince/force them to cooperate
The Illuminati practice pedophilia, ritual sacrifice, and Satan worship - they are the fallen tribe, the "synagogue of Satan" foretold in Revelation
Google is a front for CIA data analysis of civilians
The Internet was invented by the U.S. military and is a massive data mining tool that will be used to profile every person around the world in a centralized database - this is not just opportunism, it is actually the reason why it was invented
Quantum computers are being researched and developed by the U.S. government and will be used to render encryption irrelevant forever & predict human behavior using real-time simulations based on data mined from the Internet
The Bohemian Grove is real - it is an Illuminati indoctrination camp for politicians
MKULTRA happened and subsequent programs are ongoing
The purpose of MKULTRA was to study the techniques of hypnosis used by the ancient occult and better understand them in the context of modern science
Hypnosis is real & is a critical tool used by the Illuminati to control thought & maintain their power - it has its origins in ancient Babylon (possibly even earlier than that) and is one of the most closely guarded of the ancient secrets - hypnosis is the same thing ancient civilizations referred to as "magic"
There are varying types of hypnosis - it can be practiced on individual people as well as mass populations - hypnosis works by triggering and exploiting the mind's natural capacity for dissociation in order to implant suggestions
Usury and interest are the exact same thing - usury was banned by most ancient civilizations because it essentially acts like a sponge to siphon wealth out of society and into the pockets of the bankers - to reverse this stigma, the bankers simply invented a new word for the practice and got it re-instated worldwide
Our entire monetary system is fundamentally flawed - there is more debt than there is money in the system, meaning that the sum total of the debt can literally never be paid off - this is due to the implementation of compound interest on loans
On top of that, fiat money has no intrinsic value & can be invented out of thin air at the whim of the bankers, rendering the entire concept of money itself meaningless - all money in the entire world is literally owned by one family, the Rothschilds, save for the currencies of just three countries (Cuba, North Korea, and Iran)
US currency is not owned or printed by the US government - it is owned and printed by the Federal Reserve, which is a privately owned bank held by the Rothschild family - the Reserve prints money and then [i]LOANS IT[/i] to the government, which must repay the Reserve [i]WITH INTEREST[/i], which is ultimately impossible as I outlined in my previous point - therefore, all US currency is literally the property of the Rothschild family and our entire government is permanently indebted to them
HAARP was a test platform for mass thought manipulation via radio waves & the government invented the weather modification conspiracy theory to throw you off the scent
Weather modification is real, but it is mostly achieved via the use of aerosol sprays into cloud formations ("cloud seeding") - this isn't even a conspiracy theory anymore now that China freely admits to doing it
Jet fuel can't JFK the moon landing
[i]They're turning the frogs gay![/i]
God I wish the people running this world could pull this type of stuff off. The said truth is that they are all bumbling idiots who are just looking out for number one and have zero ability to work with others to accomplish anything so grand.
Editado por shell: 6/14/2017 3:33:53 PMA few of this are a little hard to believe... How is fluoride neuro-toxic at all? I doubt every dentist in the world is in on this conspiracy. Who is benefiting from the global warming "scam" ? Fossil fuels are an extremely profitable industry. Why would the government not make their own money? Why would they agree to such a bad deal?
Now if I were a secretive and very powerful actor, a strategy I would take to ensure my secrecy would be to take the known facts, backed by substantial evidence, and associate them with mystical or otherwise insane nonsense, and wild exaggerations of ancient Babylonian hypnotism and shit. Destroy the credibility.
Is [i]really[/i] the best place to spread this shite?
Top kek
This makes me feel sad. I thought wookie was a cool guy. Why is he even shitier than me now?
Ha this is funny
I enjoy infowars but even alex jones says you are f[b]u[/b]cked in the head.
Editado por yttrgtr34r: 6/14/2017 3:24:20 AM[b] [/b]
[quote]Greek debt crisis was engineered by the EU to create a vassal state[/quote] this one is just utterly wrong, enough that i have to point it out