[spoiler]My Thoughts is a series of posts by me which is basically just me ranting on about a movie or video game or whatever other of form of media. This is all due to boredom created by Surgical Recovery.[/spoiler]
Alien vs Predator is probably one of my favorite concepts. The Perfect Organism going up against the Ultimate Predator. It was awesome reading some of the comics around it.
And... well I'm not here to talk about that, but the movie (sequel in a bit).
I liked it, actually. The action was pretty cool (when the camera didn't -blam!- up) and the CGI wasn't that bad. The human characters were alright (of course the main protagonist being the best), the Predator that actually got screen time was kickass, and the Xenomorphs... well... they were what they normally are.
One thing I disliked was the odd "blade" sound effects when a Xeno would use its tail or inner mouth. It just seemed a little over the top.
One thing I like is the fact it is not part of the canon, otherwise the lore for Aliens and Predators would be -blam!-ed up beyond belief... more so than it already is (*cough* Prometheus).
My least favorite scene is the exposition part. I mean, it makes sense, but it seems pretty drawn out in some way.
My favorite scene would be the final battle. It's one of the times the camera actually stands still for a fight scene and the Queen is pretty damn ruthless, too.
And that's it. It was good and I would watch it again... now the sequel... that's a different story.
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