It's time for another one of these.
I know things about the "Illuminati" and the true nature of the global power structure. Ask me & I'll tell you what I know. Nothing is off limits, as long as it conforms to site rules.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Does the "Illuminati" have an actual group name? Or no?
I have so many questions I've read post 1 and 2 but what I'd like to know is how would I seek this information myself? [spoiler]Also you said that your guy in the industry explained methods of making his "product" more addictive and entertaining that can be applied to all media could you maybe explain a bit of that to me? maybe that would be better off in a pm [/spoiler]
Illuminated and naughty a play name for Freemasonry.
It's always interesting to see these posts. Generally, people believe in the "Illuminati" or some secret cabal or conspiracy, because their own life is down the shitter, and they want to find someone to blame for that, be it a global evil conspiracy of everything remotely left-wing, or the Jews, or the Muslims, or the Republicans, or the immigrants. It's always a sure indicator that you want to find someone to blame for your own failings if you believe in these sorts of things.
Hello. Me again. Is there a certain religion or deity that every member believes in? Or do they not associate with religion?
Is Bill Cipher a leader?
Reading through the comments, you say they are Satanists?
Who Did 9/11?
I never really understood the pursuit for power. Like, once they get their one-world government, what are they going to do then? Conquer the moon?
How to bump?
once they make their move, will they start doing raids on towns taking children en masse?
This seems interesting. Can you suggest reading material?
What's your middle name?
Do you think that there could be a successful world government
If they're Satanists, do they also believe in God? Or is that irrelevant?
Editado por Sol.: 6/5/2017 2:41:18 PMWould it even be possible for them to be stopped at this point? Also how did you learn about all this?
The final boss of Bravely Second looks like a giant illuminati eye
Was I cheated out of the presidentcy?
They're lies. The illumati died in 2015 from embarrassment from being in montage parodies.
What are the benefits?
Editado por shell: 6/5/2017 10:25:38 PMI remember messaging you about this over a year ago. Still have the PMs saved. I guess I don't really have any questions about the Illuminati, since you already you answered them and there's nothing I can do about it. I do wonder, though, did anything happen to the whistleblower? Not you, but the member who told you all of this.
If you think about the illuminate is very smart for how they are running things. If you were a secret underground organization it would make sense for them to make people think that they are just a joke
What's your favorite type of chocolate?
I love how popular your threads get, but when I provide the same information but throw in the J word nobody listens, I get called racist/anti semite, and get spammed with down votes. This is the type of brainwashing they have inflicted on the masses.
Where does Trump fit in all this?
The end goal of the marxist, or social justice, subversion is part of the plan to enslave the globe and create a one world government, right?