A New Age of the Crusher God: ENTER, ATHEON PUSHERS
It is I! Lord Nuu-k, the one and only Speaker of Him, Conduit of the Crusher God, faithful leader of the Atheon Pushers...
[b]Back from retirement![/b]
Fellow followers of the Crusher God, it is a new age for us, and for Destiny. Destiny 2 is on the horizon, and I'd say it's almost time for us Atheon Pushers to make our grand return.
This fall, I will be getting Destiny 2. I have high hopes that many of you will be as well.
Several of our clan members never even retired from playing Destiny 1. I'm sure I speak for the rest of us when I say that we can't wait to rejoin everyone in jolly cooperation once more.
As some of you may already know, clans will have a big in-game impact this time around. I look forward to seeing who will be active when the time comes. Your faith to the Crusher God will be tested.
It is a New Age! I hope to see you many of you on the beta this summer! Good luck, Atheon Pushers!
Your leader,
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