Today marks Luke Smith's tenth year at Bungie! = Bungie/ birthday.
For those of you who do not know, Luke wasn't always a project lead/director. In fact, before the times of [url=]DeeJ[/url] and [url=]Cozmo[/url], [url=]Lukems[/url] was our community manager. He ushered in the way for [url=]Urk[/url].
Over the years at Bungie, Luke Smith has worked his way into different roles in the studio and is now the director of Destiny 2. If you liked the Vault of Glass and The Taken King, he was the lead on those two projects.
Thank you for all that you've done, Lukems, and I know that we all look forward to the years to come with you at Bungie!
Happy Birthday!
*throws birthday cake at screen*
Happy birthday! Keep up the great work!
Happy Bungie anniversary Lukems! You still owe me a steak.... ;)
Happy Luke! Thanks for all you've done for this game and community. :)
People who base others solely on a few things and don't look at the whole picture don't know the full picture at all. Thanks for what you've done and continue to do, Luke.
Happy Birthday! I look forward to Destiny 2!
For his birthday, I am admitting ONE of the Steak Dinners he still owes me.
10 years of mediocrity and insulting the fans and you guys want to celebrate him? He's as bad for the franchise as Mac Walters is for Mass Effect.
Thanks for the nerfs! Oh wait..
Thanks for the year and a half of "no-burn primaries"
Happy birthday
Happy B-day Luke! People can't handle the truth.
So, Cash Grab emote today?
this should be funny.....
mmmm, no
And we are celebrating this idiot's birthday, why exactly?
Ahh, Luke "Throw money at the screen" Smith. Thanks for all the microtransactions.
Dont choke on your cake lukey dukey,fatty malatty.
Luke smith may you be fired for you words and lack of ability
Alright, that's ten spankings. Someone get the paddle.
Editado por Oh no its Colt: 5/8/2017 6:23:24 PMLuke still owes me a steak... Happy B-day
I hope he gets cancer for his efforts.
The fact that steaks were given out at all at one point is really something else. Keep being you and let the hate embolden you.
Editado por TranceAddix: 5/9/2017 12:59:22 PMTranceAddix
No gods or kings, only man. - antiguos
I've been on these forums for 12 years, my goodness. Time flies.