If you have one, question if you have a mental illness like autism. If you do have a spinner and autism that's fine. If you don't but you have a fidget spinner, you now do.
[spoiler]I saw a girl with a light up spinner yesterday, there's many reasons that shouldn't exist.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Edit: spinners are made for people who have autism or ADHD, not for people who want to follow a trend. (I saw a few comments saying I'm ignorant, probably the way I worded it, but I didn't want to offend people who have autism.[/spoiler]
To the counter, fidgeting is pretty common in humans. Giving them something to fidget with is just a logical progression. From a psych standpoint, it's actually quite possible that there are a lot of undiagnosed, high to very high functioning cases of ASD
How did they become popular again?
I call them "Autisdisks".
I hate the trend cause all the jackasses in school think theyre the coolest kid ever. If im bored im messing with a butterfly knife.
Just another office toy. You know, like those miniature basketball hoops you can hang on the door
Troll Alert.
My little brother has one but he's actually diagnosed with ADHD. I personally don't see the appeal in them myself.
It's the new cool trend for elementary and middle school kids. My brother and sister got it only because it's "in" and "cool" since everyone else has one. Couple weeks and it'll die down.
My store sells them now. Whenever I see someone buy one I think in my head,"you have autism now,"
Wtf are fidget spinners?
[quote]If you have one, question if you have a mental illness like autism. If you do have a spinner and autism that's fine. If you don't but you have a fidget spinner, you now do. [spoiler]I saw a girl with a light up spinner yesterday, there's many reasons that shouldn't exist.[/spoiler][/quote]Wow, what a terribly ignorant thing to say.
[quote]If you have one, question if you have a mental illness like autism. If you do have a spinner and autism that's fine. If you don't but you have a fidget spinner, you now do. [/quote] I LOVE the condescending tone you've written this with, despite your laughably bad sentence structure. It would make for great satire, but I know you actually think this way. [quote]many reasons they shouldn't exist[/quote] Oh mister high and mighty, please tell me how you know exactly what is right for everyone on Earth. I don't even have one of the stupid things, but your lack of self-awareness is absolutely hilarious. Go listen to 21 Pilots kid.
If it turned out 90% of my school was autistic
Y'know how you can easily hypnotize a chicken? 'Nuff said.