[quote][b]Actually, How Donald Trump Eats His Steak Matters[/b]
Jesus Christ. Talk about armchair psychology. Everything about this article exudes liberal snobbery & superiority complex.
Some choice cuts (pun intended):
[quote]You’re free to eat your steak however you like, but I’m free to see your choice and understand that it reveals something fundamental about you.[/quote]
[quote]This is a simple matter of science: Steaks with even a little bit of red in them are better than steaks without. This is a fact, a chemical and physical truth, the result of an alchemy of fat and protein and salt, and the way matter transforms when exposed to heat, and the way our bodies connect the chemicals of taste to the chemicals of pleasure. I’m not saying that cooked-through meat is always bad; in fact, it can be wonderful — just look at pot roast or short ribs, cuts of meat that are at their best when fully cooked — but when you order a tender, excellent cut (say, an aged New York strip or a bone-in ribeye), eating it well done means you’re robbing yourself of the quantitatively greater happiness that a pinker middle provides.[/quote]
[quote]Adults who won’t eat pink-hearted steaks might lean on any number of reasons for their position, but almost always it comes down to an aversion to risk, which is at its core an unwillingness to trust the validity and goodwill of any experiences beyond the limited sphere of one’s own. It is — and we’re talking about steak here, so don’t get huffy — a confession of a certain timidity, a defensiveness, an insecurity. It’s not just a fear of change, it’s also a bone-deep fear that the way you’ve always done something — the way that, without outside intervention, you might continue always do it — will turn out not to have been the best way for you after all. The risk of that private humiliation can easily outweigh any benefit that could come from your new, better way. It means that when presented with a risk, you make the choice not to trust.[/quote]
What a joke. Must [i]everything[/i] be twisted into an opportunity to trash Trump these days? I feel like I'm living in the Soviet Union.
Hey, liberals: sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Trump likes his steaks well-done. That's it. It doesn't mean anything.
I judge my grandmother for ordering her steaks well-done. You're -blam!-in nuts if you think I'm not gonna judge him for it
I usually eat my steaks or other meat products rare to med rare. Burgers included.
I believe the article "everything wrong with Chef" is the dumbest artical
I like my meat raw.
No, honestly, a well done steak makes you a psycho in my book. No doubt about it.
[quote]we’re talking about steak here, so don’t get huffy.[/quote] Its sad that this even had to be written, even sadder that you still got triggered. You have no business ever calling anyone a Snowflake ever again if a shitpost expanded into an article rustled your jimmies that badly 😂
Clearly the way he eats his steak shows how he's a racist!
Editado por Guardian7477: 3/7/2017 6:55:07 PMWow that is sad and people are defending this article. No wonder journalism sucks today. :/
Honestly, a well done steak sounds gross. I'm a medium-rare guy myself.
More proof he's an idiot.
Only crazy people eat well done Steak. Adding ketchup only further proves the point. Let's not forget that he eats his pizza with a fork.
Rare or gtfo
Well ok, first off I read that in a kind of overly snooty posh voice. And ok sure, as much as I love my steak to be medium rare with a little blood, because to me that's what tastes best and anything cooked further is too chewy for me. However I can accept that some people like theirs, what I call "over-cooked". The real travesty here is the fact the steak was supposedly drowned in ketchup! Sure, have a steak with a side of chips without a particular sauce that's normally paired with the meal, and sure have some ketchup on the side. But come on, even a well done steak has some flavour to it and to swamp it in ketchup is to disguise any taste it has! To do such a thing would suggest to me that a person doesn't actually entirely like what they're eating...
When the forum that loved the satire hashtag more than anything couldn't even identify real satire
That moment when you realize that people will get mad at Liberals because of one article
That's nothing,our whole country was talking about the fact that our Prime Minister at the time took a bite out of a raw onion as if it were an apple.It's a weird thing to do but all the news outlets were talking about it when it's hardly newsworthy.
[quote]liberals[/quote] There it is.
If it's so dumb, why give it click revenue by sharing it?
I want steak now...
Personally, I like my steaks medium-well
[url]https://youtu.be/amKyA2PrSu4[/url] People who eat steak cooked past medium aren't welcome.
Why the hell would you give a single crap about how someone eats their steak in the first place
Totally agree with the article. Only racist people eat their steak well done and only the super racist dip it in ketchup.
The dems MUST be funding this
They're just jealous because Trump has eaten something that they will never even get close to in their life cycle. [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler] [spoiler][b][u]KUPO!!![/u][/b][/spoiler]
[quote]eater.com[/quote] Ya know, we shouldn't be surprised...