Sorry. It's true.
You know whats funny? I see more white trailer trash republicans than I do liberals. [spoiler]Food for thought[/spoiler]
Hur dur librulz Hur dur cunsirvativs I think this dead horse has been beaten for far too long...
Evidence, please.
I'm your dream, make you real I'm your eyes when you must steal I'm your pain when you cant feel Sad but true!
What evidence though
[i]...It's true.[/i]
Interesting philosophy.
Bad b8 m8 0/8
You'll never be a good shit poster. You try so hard and are completely unaware of what draws in the replies. This is so low level. Do better next time
Which type of liberalism are we talking about? Classical Neo Modern?
Aldi final boss - antiguos
Another extreme-rightist blaming everything on the left. Stop making us right-leaners look bad. -
God dammit, now I have to do this again but reverse; >all liberals *deeps sigh expressing my distaste for saying the same shit but liberal instead of conservative*
I feel confident enough... but I can't prove otherwise with all those good points you pointed out mate...
You do realize my assertion that conservatives have low self-esteem (from the thread you're parodying) is supported by actual scientific research, yes?
Yes you are correct.
Ummm, evidence plz? Maybe an argument?
All Conservatism is born from low-confidence. [spoiler]eh[/spoiler]