I know things. Ask me & I'll tell you what I know. Nothing is off limits, as long as it conforms to site rules.
A few points to get out of the way first. Don't ask about any of these things, because I've already provided the answers below.
I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of the Illuminati. I have never attended a meeting of the Illuminati. I have never seen any "master plans" or anything like that.
What I know comes primarily from two separate personal experiences, as well as a source from within the organization who made a prediction (based on his foreknowledge of their plans) that came true. I have also done my own independent research and gleaned some additional truth from what's already out there for anyone to discover, but I consider that secondary & therefore less reliable than the stuff I have discovered first-hand.
They do not call themselves the "Illuminati". That is just one of the many names they have been given to them over the centuries.
They are a very old organization that has existed for hundreds of years, at least as far back as the Enlightenment & likely even further than that. They have taken many guises and been given many names through the years, but these entities are all in fact the same organization.
The Illuminati is not all-powerful. They do not control everything & they generally operate on a macro level. They operate from the shadows & do not make themselves known, even to our government. Virtually all Western nations are controlled by the Illuminati, but indirectly. In the modern era, the Illuminati uses intelligence agencies as its primary mechanism of control.
A few procedural things while we're at it. I have no knowledge or evidence for the existence of aliens, demons, other dimensions, or any such things, so don't ask me about them. They're irrelevant to understanding the Illuminati. I do know that the UFO phenomenon is an active psy-op perpetuated by the CIA, and that the CIA conducts many such ops to distract people & to discredit conspiracy theories as a category altogether.
And yes, before you ask: I am the (former) porn producer who used to post AMAs about the industry here. That actually ties directly into the way I discovered the Illuminati. Ask me about it. (I will NOT be answering any questions about the industry, so don't ask. Those threads get shut down every time and I have no desire to provoke the mods.)
when will they start kidnapping and harvesting children?
Back again, does the Illuminati control the news? "Fake" or not?
My friends back in grade school said that the Illuminati is Satan and that they control everything bad that happens. It was also rumored by my friends that Albert Einstein was apart of the Illuminati. Are these true?
I would assume the whole Bohemian Grove thing is either an attempt to discredit the facts through the lens of 'Alex Jones the crazy paranoid conspiracy theorist' or just a distraction.
Where does Russia/Putin fit in?
[quote]I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of the Illuminati. I have never attended a meeting of the Illuminati. I have never seen any "master plans" or anything like that.[/quote] The -blam!- should I expect you to know anything about them then? Oh and I heard porn producer is just another term for being too small and nimble to perform,so they just throw you in the back behind the scenes to make you feel better...
Is this guy correct?
What's the endgame for the 3 families, the Soros's, the Bilderburg's, and the Rothschild's?
Are you a fan of Mark Dice?
Editado por Vegan Superhero: 2/18/2017 4:41:11 AMWhat is the Krabby Patty secret formula?
The Illuminati was formed in Bavaria around the time of the American Revolution in 1776. They were a sort of enlightenment organization who borrowed a lot of the doctrines of the Freemasons, though were in no way associated with Freemasonry. As some of their ideals were deemed too radical, such as the belief that, the ends justifying the means. The group was disbanded not too long after forming. Copycat organizations have since cropped up here and there, though have no true ties to the original. The true origins of Freemasonry is lost to antiquity. There are meeting minutes dating back to the early 14th century, though no actual organizing date. The "Age of Enlightenment" during the late 17th century is when we started to see more in the way of esoteric groups and organizations being formed in Europe, as well as within the new world. George Washington being one of the most prominent Freemasons, was on record denouncing the Illuminati and anyone involved, around the time he took Office. This sort of history is fascinating, though often muddled with false facts and hearsay.
What's your social security number?
Seems like the negativity most already know exist. What makes it any different? What's the most effective way to put an end to it?
Yeah cool, so what? They're a super-secret organization(s?), so what do they do? Mass manipulation?
why is my dingus small?
Do they know why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
1.) How do I get selected? 2.) Am I allowed to tell anyone once I'm in? 2a.) What will happen if I tell anyone? 3.) What are the perks?
How close has it been to being compromised/exposed? Assuming a majority of people sees it as an urban legend or not real.
You do realize how crazy you sound right? Assuming you're serious. [spoiler]Please don't be serious[/spoiler]
*claps hands frantically* I love mysterious, almost unknown cults. I'll grab my tinfoil hat. *puts on tinfoil hat* I'll ask the first question. Are snake people involved with the Illuminati?
Bump for later
Do they have any connection to the ''deep state'' in the US? Because the media has been very vocal about it lately.
How do you join?
*x-files theme*
Delete this.
Do you mean the Freemasons?