Liberals aren't so bad. They just want to implement heavy taxes on the people they want to "help", want to murder unborn humans, want to throw every kind of drug on the street, oh yeah, and don't forget bombing innocent woman and children with predator drones
[spoiler]Not to mention wanting to essentially ban religion and build up the debt[/spoiler]
You can't complain about people being forced to pay tax and then go on to complain that they aren't forcing people to choose what they consume and when they give birth. I wouldn't really call the drone strikes a liberal policy too, that doesn't mean it's conservative though. It sounds like your issue is economic authoritarians and social libertarians
[quote]You can't complain about people being forced to pay tax and then go on to complain that they aren't forcing people to choose what they consume and when they give birth.[/quote] When they give birth? You're essentially saying that all fetuses are the same. When you take an abortion, you don't simply wait for another fetus-you kill the blueprint to a human life. [quote]I wouldn't really call the drone strikes a liberal policy too, that doesn't mean it's conservative though.[/quote] Using a robot instead of a human? Liberal. Try better, kiddo.
Editado por MildSquirrel: 1/19/2017 8:05:37 AM[quote][quote]You can't complain about people being forced to pay tax and then go on to complain that they aren't forcing people to choose what they consume and when they give birth.[/quote] When they give birth? You're essentially saying that all fetuses are the same. When you take an abortion, you don't simply wait for another fetus-you kill the blueprint to a human life.[/quote] Exactly, blueprint. I'm not demolishing a building if I'm destroying the plans because the building never really existed [quote]I wouldn't really call the drone strikes a liberal policy too, that doesn't mean it's conservative though. Using a robot instead of a human? Liberal. Try better, kiddo.[/quote] Ur a liberal for using ur fone.
Editado por EetnoAni: 1/18/2017 9:40:36 PM[quote]Conservatives aren't so bad. They just want to implement lower taxes on the people they want to "help" while spending the government into oblivion hoping some future generation will deal with it, want to force women to carry and care for their rapists children, want the rich to enslave the poor via artificially low wages, drowning in debt, want the poor to die with no chance of receiving even basic health-care, want to dictate what people can and cannot do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, want to allow one religion to be force fed to other denominations children at publicly funded schools to the point of altering history and science text books, oh yeah, and don't forget bombing innocent woman and children with predator drones [spoiler]Not to mention wanting to essentially ban all but one religion and build up the debt[/spoiler][/quote]
Jokes on you, my post was a parody of something else on this thread. Your efforts did nothing. [spoiler]Nothing, just like what liberals have done for this country[/spoiler]
Except make another joke.
My post: "Nothing, just like what liberals have done for this country" Your response: "Except make another joke." I must agree, Obama is a joke
Jokes on me? Lol, you seem hostile.
Define hostile.
And now you seem stupid.
How so? You make countless claims, yet you avoid backing them up.
You mean like you backed up your claims?
Same could be said for you, as you made something similar-except attacking the other side of the political spectrum
Editado por EetnoAni: 1/18/2017 10:12:32 PMReminder, you asked me to back up my claims. Wut, "same could be said for you"???? This isn't coherent.
[quote]I didn't say any of that you did.[/quote] Do you even hear yourself, kiddo?
Read your last post kiddo. It isn't even coherent.
You seemed to understand it just fine.
Yeah, nope. Not coherent. One question, though. How could I possibly make obama? Also, you can definitely count my claims using your fingers and toes. Hardly countless. If you google "define hostile" it will tell you.
You can make Obama if you put a tuxedo on a lizard. I want YOUR definition of hostile. Stop trying to avoid the question.
Hostile only has one definition. It means what it means. You definitely seem stupid.
One definition? You seem to know that. Well, please tell me the one, single definition.
I've taught you how to fish. Now use that power to go make yourself less stupid. Google "define hostile." Be enlightened son.
Well, since you're too ignorant to answer an obvious question, then here's the definition: "unfriendly; antagonistic" Wasn't too difficult, was it? Now, please tell me-how am I hostile?
So this next part, I get to teach you to fish again. Thank you for releasing your death grip on stupidity Telling someone they did nothing and their efforts were nothing, over an obvious joke, is that friendly?
It's not friendly, but it's not hostile, either. Branding someone as "stupid" seems pretty hostile, though.