Why is it so many times when I'm trying to shoulder charge people or juggernaut rush them they outrun me as a titan? It's kind of a useless perk when I can't keep up with anybody. Somebody told me to "titan skate" but I'm not going to exploit mechanics to fix a problem because they keep nerfing titans.
I don't want them to overdo it so I think an overall speed boost is bad, but while shoulder charge is activated we should get a 2x speed boost.
Also a new exotic that grants juggernaut without having the perk selected so it can be used in tandem with shoulder charge would be really cool too, to avoid lame deaths while you are charging somebody, especially when an opponent is using fusion rifles which should have a charge time nerf so it's harder to kill a charging titan with, instead of just holding the trigger for one second and killing a defensless shoulder charging titan.
Editado por Aerios: 1/17/2017 4:42:16 PMBlocked
You a funny person. I like funny persons. Makes the day better with laughter. Thank you for that.
No. Absolutely not.
You are joking or trolling or incompetent?
This is good stuff man. Pure gold.
Editado por Dark Raven 2501: 1/17/2017 1:40:30 AMno titans need more than a 2x boost it like come on man titans need at least 1000x boots so we can smash into walls and miss our targets while still looking good ✌🏻 Edit just think of a pinball machine for pvp 😂
Editado por ramblin billy: 1/17/2017 12:26:09 AMBut killing defenseless shoulder charging Titans is my favorite part of the game. Ummm... wait... killing lame ass roaming, lightning throwing, Warlocks is my favorite part of the game. Ah gee... hold on... tether blasting cheap shit hard-scoping camper snipers is my favorite part of the game. Damn... that's too many "favorites"... I guess I'll just narrow it down to killing anyone using a Clever Dragon, in any way, at any time. Especially with my Extremophile. That's my favorite. [spoiler][i]ok... ok... I know my kd[/i][/spoiler]
Editado por Raider TCK: 1/17/2017 12:47:04 AMI'm sorry but if you don't know that titans are EASILY the fastest class in the game it's time to trade your game in. https://m.twitch.tv/gokudabs/v/113595655?t=07s Watch that link. Cut to about 19 minutes in. I played against a team who were streaming and you can see how effectively titan skating can be used.
I couldn't make it past the first paragraph lol just no
Titans =Armor Hunter=Speed Warlocks=Recovery So no
Editado por Jolt: 1/17/2017 12:13:17 AMBad bait is bad
You play the big, slow, tank like class and want speed?
Editado por Ghostfire239: 1/17/2017 12:12:14 AMShoulder charge + Jugg? Dude you almost gave my gramps a heart attack and he doesn't even know what those are! SC is a high risk high reward sort of perk. You go in and you have the chance to get a kill but you can also be killed. Mixing it with Jugg would basically make it impossible to fight. unless they got a fusion and even then it's based on chance. I honestly hope you're joking about this. I don't have any problems with how Titans are right now but this would definitely make the class broken.
Gr8 b8 m8