Dads of Destiny EVOLUTION OUTLAWS and RENEGADES is looking for new Dads!! XB1 only
Are you looking for a clan that needs to understand that you have responsibilities that you need to take care of? Do you get kicked from LFG groups because your child needs your attention? We are a clan of Dads, Brothers, Veterans, Law Enforcement, Civilians that all game together. We have jobs in the real world, wives, kids, and things that we need to take care of. But we all love to game. It may take a few days to join, follow the link and apply for the clan. We like to get to know our members more. Happy Hunting Guardians.
Just as an FYI, we accept non-dads into the clan. Just know that we are family first. As I like to say LIFE happens. This clan is about the members not the game. We support each other and help each other in and out of the game. We are a growing Dads of Destiny Clan. We have people in all time zones and in the UK.
If you are looking for a PS4 clan let me know the times that you play and your timezone and I will find a clan for you.
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