Dear Bungie, Im writing you as I want to let you know how I feel. I'm falling out of love. I've been playing destiny for about 1 year now I fell in love with your game and it's great community. I live down here in Australia, I'm a father and husband and full time worker and enjoy my time out in destiny. The problem is, I don't enjoy the game anymore. I've moved over to pvp after the content is finished like everyone else and maimed pvp for awhile now. I'm not an epic player but have improved a lot since I first played the game. Now I have to wait forever for a match. Than when I get in the connections are so bad ! It horrible. I can't damage people sometimes and it results in a lot of trades that shouldn't of happened. The lobbies are very competitive, which is fine but the wait times and connections are horrific. I have great internet and a wired connection. It's literally the matchmaking giving me a poor experience. I don't care if I get matched against higher skilled players as long as the lobby is good. I play other games where this is the case and have a great time! Perfect connection. Some games are hard others great but it's always fun. Know the play I made was my skill and not lag affected. Also the current state of primaries is horrible. I can't kill anyone!
They are two slow. The community has movement speed down pat. This makes it incredibly difficult to put someone down before they reach you with a shotgun. It's no fun. Every one is saying they don't want fast ttk, but the only weapon they use is a one hit secondary! Ie shotgun. Because sniping has been nerfed into the ground, except the storm caller hand snipes.... anyway. From an average player please no the experience is really bad for me. I hope this gets some notice. I'm glad here is other games out there which are great. But I wanna play destiny and I want it to be fun again!
People need to realize it is OKAY to be done with Destiny. It has outlived every other game... Just move on. We don't need an emotional post about it. Even Bungie has their eyes set to Destiny 2. Once you hit 400 and beat the hard raid, unless you play for fun, take a Destiny break you'll be okay.
Yup. Im an above average player and no primary can take out a shotgun quick enough before they close the gap and land the shot, despite me landing all my primary shots. Shotguns are broken only cause Primaries are incredibly weak
True the game is broken now. It's pushing away too many players. It all has to do with bungies intention of creating "metas." We're currently in a shotgun meta, but this is pushing away so many people because many players try to play the right way, but get destroyed by shotgun rushers. Either you adapt, or get wrecked. Who's idea was it to give a Titan a powerful shield so he can run around freely and shotgun everyone???? Why are all the exotic weapons so weak that they cannot even compete with legendaries? We're not asking bungie to make them more powerful than legendaries. Just make them compete. All they need to do is increase base stats across the board. Look at destiny from a birds eye view with all the problems that are so obvious, it is clear that there is no attention being paid to destiny. All focus is on destiny 2.
If only Bungie would adopt the same setup as TF2...Server ping 6ms and regional matchmaking. There's hope for Destiny 2 although I doubt Bungie will go for dedicated servers. Such a pity.
I'm in New York and I see you in the game with a redbar. Destiny's SBMM makes me hate Australians, New Zealanders, Japanese, Germans, British, French, Koreans, Russians, Polish, Brazilians, Mexicans, Hawaiians, and Middle Easterners.
Editado por heckin bamuezled: 11/26/2016 4:17:43 AMNot sure why they should care if you'll give them money regardless of the content being presented. Hyped for Destiny 2, regardless. I'm part of the disgustingly toxic community I despise.
Editado por pie_0wns_y0u: 11/26/2016 3:38:48 PMYou now understand how the above average to great player feels about sbmm, lets hope change is coming.
Thanks . We are on the same opinion
Connections are horrible because Aussie connections aren't always stable not everyone has NBN, that and Bungie always matches us up with Koreans/Japanese and Malaysians which makes it A LOT worse.
Perhaps part of the problem is that there are far fewer players still playing. My friends and I have stopped playing for the most part. We hit 400 with all characters three weeks ago, and there isn't really anything to do anymore that we haven't done dozens (at least) times before. Perhaps a Trials run here and there, but there is nothing left to grind for (except shaders and queen's armor).
Read this, i just posted it: [url][/url]
For me I kind of struggle to know what to do each week now as I hit 400 on two characters done the hard raid and challenges , got quite a large number of max light weapons and armour so what is left? ......more importantly what is the point of carrying on? I was quite surprised how fast you can hit max light given that all say this is the last dlc and it's not as if destiny 2 is coming out very soon, unless I'm mistaken! So what is the point of continuing to play.........real shame as I do like the game but there are no goals left
I agree