publicado originalmente en:Mythic Covenant Shrine
Post Britishism away!
Jonathan Ross
David Beckham
Tea time
The queen
Royal Navy
Spotted Dick
Russell Brand
Artic Monkeys (spelt wrong ik)
I'd say crumpets but that shit is disgusting
Eh scones I guess
Jaffa Cakes
-blam!-ing Pounds
James Bond
Kinsgman because Eggsy
Doctor Who
Top Gear (I made a mistake lol)
The Office(not the american version)
Help make this bigger!!
[spoiler]I might get murdered for the imgur[/spoiler]
[b][i]TOIME? WHAT'S THAT?[/i][/b]
-blam- bagels, we have crumpets!!
I love raiding with british people. Brits get shit done
F[b]u[/b]ck the Queen, the royal family are a bunch of Germans.
What does marmite taste like?
The greatest military and naval power in the world... And you lost a war to farmers and colonists with guns...
The SJWs want Spotted Dick to be Renamed...
[b] [/b]
Yeet. I'm awake.
Hahaha very funny inferior Brit. America never sleeps we have too much Netflix and gaming to do.
Editado por LibertarianCajun: 11/1/2016 10:41:51 PMFreedom never sleeps. [spoiler]Shit someone beat me to it.[/spoiler]
*Dumps tea and moves along*
Freedom never sleeps.
Love? Boring, dull and repetitive. [spoiler]Kudos to you if get ze reference[/spoiler]
Baked beans on toast for breakfast!
CRUMPETS AND TEA YOU UNGRATEFUL AMERICANS!!! [spoiler]lolololimamericanlololol[/spoiler]
Question: What's with the accent? Question: Why tea? Question: Can I move to your country? Question: Are crumpets that gross? Question: Do you wonderful Brits have the kick ass show over there, us Americans call "Firefly"?
Me: Listen, dad, if you are are going to say naughty things in front of these American girls then at least speak English English. Dad: All right, my son: I could've had it away with this cracking Julie, my old China. Me: Are you telling a bunch pork-pies and a bag of trout? Because if you are feeling quigly, why not just have a J. Arthur? Dad: What, billy no mates? Me: Too right, youth. Dad: Don't you remember the crimbo din-din we had with the grotty Scots bint? Me: Oh, the one that was all sixes and sevens! Dad: Yeah, yeah, she was the trouble and strife of the Morris dancer what lived up the apples and pears! Me: She was the barrister what become a bobby in a lorry and...
British slang > United States slang
*posts American stuff*
Editado por Psyntifik: 10/31/2016 6:30:46 PMThe overwhelming sorrow of finding a cup of tea you forgot about :(
Americans are awake now.
Would ye like a spot of tea, Ole chap? Feck the Brits, Ireland fer de Win!
y no harry potter :O