Generalist Shell
Exotic Ghost Shell
(Flavor text same as original)
First column:
Self modify
-Changes the available stats (costs 5 motes) (so you can have a stat roll that matches your preference, similar to the SIVA gear)
Second column:
Stat perks as usual
Third column:
Would either have a node option for each planetary material when looting engrams OR have a pair of perks like the current shells, but make them where it automatically marks/loots materials for your current world (this would be better imo)
Fourth column:
Pretty much the same idea as third column, either have a node for each enemy type, or have a single node that just gives you glimmer when killing a minion of the darkness
I think this would be a really cool idea. If they did do something like this I would hope they would make the material and glimmer nodes all-purpose for pve so you could use it all the time without worrying about missing out on glimmer/mats, or having to switch shells as you do now. Maybe even make a pvp glimmer node that you can either switch between or be set once you unlock it (if they used the all minions style pve node).
As far as how to obtain, I was thinking that they could possibly do it as like a special very hard version of the Khvostov Rising mission with the Epic modifier that would have you scan various places for dialogue and then if you scanned all the places, it would have an extended 'feels' ending where you would even go over to where your ghost found you, you would scan it, and it would have more dialogue, rewarding you with the exotic shell at the end.
Thoughts? Imo I would love to have an update base shell, and this would be the perfect way to do it.
Edit: Wow, did not expect this to be as popular as it is! #3 on the trending atm...never had a post gain steam like this. Thanks to all the likes and replies so far! Lets keep this going and let Bungie know we miss our original ghost!
Haha seems like the new raid ghost does that, and has made all other ghosts irrelevant...
I think you just gave them the next idea to charge silver for.....
That would leave every other ghost shell in the game obsolete
I know this will never happen, but If they make the generalist shell an exotic one of the perks should change the old strikes lines to Peter Dinklage's lines
Editado por Penhalion Wolfe: 10/17/2016 4:32:52 PMexotic perks would be "Generalist" and "The Life Exotic" - Highlights planetary materials and chests on mini map and hud. Does not take up an exotic slot. That would be it. Edit: And to be 100% fair I would award it to year one players and make it an RNG or mission/raid drop for everyone else. Edit to the edit: Actually thinking about it. I would make it a faction quest when reaching Vanguard rank 25 or 50 as the vanguard are the only faction that doesn't have it's own exotic quests which is a huge oversight in my opinion given that the hero of earth i.e. your Guardian IS VANGUARD! Edit to the edit of the edit: Ok this is getting long so this is the last edit! I would also give the generalist shell you get from the quest the class symbol of your character i.e. A warlock would have a shell with the warlock symbol, hunters the Hunter symbol and Titans the titan symbol. With the quest being given (and slightly different) by the correct Vanguard member. It would operate much like the new classes did i.e. each one sent the corresponding character on a different mission. This would also give the mission a nice replay if, like me, you have one of each character type.
Instead i want an exotic ghost to auto dismantle green weapons and armor.
I still have my good ol Frontier Shell
I need a ghost shell that causes a fist of havoc style explosion every time i get t-bagged in the crucible.
This is probably gonna be an unpopular opinion, but I kinda think that at this point reskinning the stuff you get at the beginning of the game and making it exotic is kinda boring and lazy. Don't kill me
How about a Ghost that auto-buffs or auto-nerfs anything we'd ask? That way we could stop using forums for that matter and let devs finish up D2.
Add the life exotic perk on it
I'd rather be able to infuse my Redbull shell.
yes, but only for the people that kept their original shell and carried it this far.
How about a glassy looking shell with spikes? To resemble our first adventures together... Killing the black garden's heart, and atheon...
In the Seventh Cloumn: Shaxx will yell his famous phrase every time you get seven kills, in any game mode. Doesn't have to be in a row. Resets after every seventh kill.
Give to - year 1 players -limited edition year 1 players
Great idea for sure, but how about BRAND NEW items instead of RECYCLING old items and making those new
Editado por Coreycrawford50: 10/17/2016 1:24:00 AMOpened post thinking "please don't try to make this an exotic too" Was disappointed. Not saying it's a bad idea, just that I dismantled the generalist shell, like the khvostov
Sounds awesome
It would be cool if it was like a branching quest, if it's like the khovostov quest and you need to dismantle it, it would be cool if you dismantled a frontier shell the exotic reward would be a frontier shell instead of a generalist shell. This could also work for the brave shell.
this would legit be op lol. who would ever use a different ghost?
Generalist is the beginning shell, so this is just a bad idea.
Exotic everything
So... Nerf fusion rifles?
Give us the option to choose from Dinklebot and Nolanbot.
Love this idea very much!