It's retarded.
It was never funny, but it's become so overused now that it's actively annoying. It just refuses to go away.
You aren't clever. You aren't funny. You're just annoying. Please stop dredging up this ancient unfunny meme and let it die.
sounds like someone needs to get their dick out.
God is great
But muh hurumbeh!
Comedy is subjective. Get over it. If it bothers you that other people find enjoyment in a meme, grow the -blam!- up.
ehhhhh I dunno. at least it isn't some idiot screaming something "random" on Vine
Students at my school want to change school mascot to Harambe. [spoiler]help me[/spoiler]
REEEEEEEEE xD, diks out fur hurumbe lel so funny much laugh xDDD
hahaha look at me I'm so funny
It's the shittiest forced meme just about ever.
How about Spirambe? [spoiler]props to you if you know where that's from :)[/spoiler]
I call Winston from Overwatch harambe. :P
It's pretty funny
Dicks out for harambe
It was funny for a little while. But yea now it's annoying
You're not helping.
Editado por Krishnas Prophet: 8/23/2016 7:23:12 PMI was finally starting to forget that dreadful, heavy feeling in my heart. But now my grief is back and my dick is out. Thank you OP, thank you for not letting me forget him...
You can't stop us
It's still great
Op is not funny
Editado por Hobokin: 8/24/2016 1:42:32 PM*Whips out dick*
K daddy
Editado por ßłû: 8/23/2016 11:03:27 PMLenny isn't funny so let's just stop using it
Didn't realize people had to appease to you and you only. I don't find it dunny, but people do. Get over it and ignore it
Lol. This post is just going to encourage me to take my dick out for harambe more