If you vote along party lines purely because you resent the other party, you are an idiot.
Best political post I've seen here.. well.. probably ever. Party loyalty is ruining our political system. People have become submissive sheep who scramble to justify everything their party does. Like overzealous sports fans who have to explain why everything their team does is awesome even though they haven't won a game all season. People need to realize that political candidates are OUR EMPLOYEES. We hire them. And their job is to work for us. To explain and apologize for their mistakes to us. And when they -blam!- up.. it's our duty to hold them accountable and replace them with due haste if they're not fit for the position. You want to pledge allegiance to a political party? Fine. Then you should be that party's biggest critic. Not it's biggest fan. When the person you hired to represent you -blam!-s up.. YOU should be the first person standing there with your pitchfork because it was YOUR faith in them that was taken advantage of. You got conned. Not the people who voted for someone else. I have 14 employees under me at my job. If I hire a new guy and he turns out to be garbage.. do you think I sit there and make excuses to my other employees for him? -blam!- no. I ship his ass out and replace him with someone who's fit for the job. And I apologize to my employees for bringing in someone who took advantage of my faith in him, and made their jobs more difficult because this guy didn't pull his weight. That's what being a boss is. And people need to get it into their heads that we are the "boss" of each and every candidate on the ballot. Not the other way around. Stop giving away your power, people.
I support partying!
This is true.
I'm a moofin and I support the party you're in !! [spoiler]I think...[/spoiler] [spoiler]is there a moofin party?[/spoiler]
Numa Numa
As the great Will Rogers said, I'm not a member of any organized party, I'm a Democrat.
Editado por thottie: 8/6/2016 5:50:14 PMExactly, unfortunately this is the republican party, its republican or death for them. It is expected when your voter base are trailer park residents
Blind loyalty for anything is stupid. That's why I base all my purchase off of quality and how I like it and not the name. Probably why I have the nice stuff I do and still have money lol
I don't think I know enough about the candidates to make an informed vote. But from what I do know, I wouldn't vote for anyone.
Party loyalty is only prevalent because so many people lack actual principles.
Woopdeeflippindoo 4 u
And yet, thousands upon millions will continue to do it anyway. Aren't idiots just the best?
Of course, tho can't apply to me since my Party is effectively dead in UK - Socialists.
Lol dude you stick to your ideology and whats closest and who can win. Thats the republican party k? Its called being an adult and even if your canidate doesnt win you support your party
Aren't you that guy that started that thread?
Vote for Hillary to block Trump. That's smart, not idiotic.
[quote]If you vote alone party lines purely because you resent the other party, you are an idiot.[/quote] I won't say I'll never vote for a republican...but so far I've never seen one I would vote for... [spoiler]I've only voted in 3 presidential elections...[/spoiler]
agree...country first
Yeah, I miss game chat.
Comic book publisher loyalty, on the other hand, is the epitome of high intellect.
I concur.
Let's just all vote Harambe