The mystery surrounding the Guardian in Pod #10201 has been going on since Bungie’s release of “Destiny: The Taken King” in Sept. 2015. While many members of the Bungie Community have tried to figure out who the Guardian in the pod is, no one has been able to gain any proof to form a solid hypothesis, until now.
Bungie cleverly hid this Easter Egg at the end of TTK’s second mission, [i]Cayde's Stash[/i]. Once you reach the top of the Devil’s Spire, you can pull out your Ghost and look around to scan objects (you should definitely defeat the Echo of Oryx, first). At the back of the room there is a pod that can be scanned. Scanning this object, your Ghost says,
[quote]"[url=]Pod number 10201. A Guardian with exceptional Light sealed himself inside. He's been in there for centuries. Before I found you, I tried to resurrect him, but he preferred to sleep. He said the last war was enough for a thousand lifetimes.[/url]"[/quote]
There have been several theories as to who your Ghost could be talking about, but with lack of evidence, no one could actually form a hypothesis. I'm here to debunk the current theories and reveal what Bungie has hinted at over the years.
Some theories suggest the Guardian is [i]Saint-14[/i], since his [url=]Dead Ghost[/url] was found earlier in the level and it [i]somewhat[/i] fits what your Ghost says about being in there "for centuries" and "the last war was enough for a thousand lifetimes," both which fit the supposed [url=]Destiny timeline[/url] and Saint-14's [url=]crusade against the Fallen in 2540[/url].
[b]DEBUNKED![/b] [i]No way did Saint-14's holy war last very long, considering you never hear from him again. Besides, why would he lock himself inside a colony ship in Old Russia?[/i]
Other theories think it is a "Halo" reference, particularly of the [i]Master Chief[/i]. This also fits the "centuries" and "last war" quotes well, since Master Chief (at least in Bungie's “Halo” universe) wasn't seen again after 2552 and the [url=]war against the Covenant[/url]. The number "10201" [i]might[/i] refer to the date Oct. 2, 2001, where either [i]Halo: Combat Evolved[/i] had "[url=]gone gold"[/url] or was sent off by Bungie to go gold on that date (which is the right amount of time for the launch of the title on Nov. 15, 2001).
[b]DEBUNKED![/b] [i]While the Human-Covenant War lasted more than 25 years, would Master Chief's ship have eventually landed back on Earth where he would then have sealed himself into a pod on a colony ship in Old Russia? He's a solder who lives to fight. No chance he would hide himself away. Come on.[/i]
Knowing of Bungie and being a part of its community for over a decade, I have found PROOF of who the Guardian is. The truth is Bungie has been revealing this “mystery” to us for [i]YEARS[/i], and there is only one person your Ghost could possibly be talking about, since Bungie has been using ”10201" to identify him for over a decade: [url=]stosh[/url]
[quote]"But Duardo, who is stosh?"[/quote]
[quote]"How could stosh possibly be in the pod?”[/quote]
[quote]"Wow, Duardo! You're awesome and so cool!"[/quote]
[quote]"Who is stosh and why do we blame him?" [/quote]
Why, indeed. Let me explain.
First off is the number "[url=]10201[/url]", which clearly references [url=]stosh's inability to write proper code.[/url]
Secondly, it is clear from [url=]years[/url] [url=]of[/url] [url=]blame (in the Bungie Weekly Updates)[/url] by Bungie that stosh ([url=]who[/url] [url=]event[/url][url=]ually[/url] [url=]accepted[/url] [url=]it[/url] [url=]after[/url] [url=]muc[/url][url=]h[/url] [url=]resistance[/url]) has had many [url=]internal[/url] [url=]wars[/url] dealing with problems he's created.
Third, it is obvious Bungie is looking into the future where they have built their "[url=]slingshot[/url]" (code name for space ship) to shoot (fly) their enemies (...stosh) into the sun (stars), but then something in the future dubbed the “Darkness” showed up and the project was abandoned, [i]leaving stosh inside his pod[/i]. The Ghost recognizes that a Bungie employee must be inside the pod, because who else could possibly have "[url=]exceptional Light levels[/url]" except the creators themselves?!
The mystery has [i]finally[/i] been solved! Bungie is notorious for keeping secrets and hinting at mysteries, but with them clearly [url=]blaming stosh[/url] for so many years, the truth was bound to come out, and I was lucky enough to uncover it.
I understand that this revelation may be too much for many of you to handle, and I do apologize for that, but really, don't blame me, [url=]blame stosh[/url].
Blame stosh
Sooooo Bungie day is coming up. Time for another thread Duardo.
The last war is actually reference to stosh during halo. Thus being frozen meaning he is doing other things other than coding. If he is still working for Bungie. Blame stosh was going on since i came here during Halo 3. I blame Duardo for not blaming stosh in the first place. Thus i think stosh is someplace on a beach with a umbrella drink in hand not giving a damn.( Exaggeration)
stosh said to blame Duardo
Seems legit to me
Editado por Sgt Dippinbud: 7/11/2016 6:27:21 PMWhile I love to blame Stosh as much as the next guy, guardian #10201 is clearly [url=]masterbeef444[/url]. He has owned that profile identifier on BNet for the last 10 years. So, what could this mean? Well, masterbeef444 has 3 guardians. 10 years divided by 3 guardians is 3.33. That is three 3s. Add three 3s to masterbeef444 and you get masterbeef777. Are the 7s coincidence? I think not. Now, since it is [i]clearly[/i] code, let's break down the rest. So the 7s reference Bungie. "Master" is clearly a reference to Master Chief, which signifies Bungie's rise. So, we have Bungie (777) growing in power thanks to "master" chief and the Halo series. Now, what about the beef? Well, clearly, this is in reference to how in the old days they would use giant slingshots to launch dead cattle carcasses over the walls during sieges to cause disease outbreaks. So, after we determined the true identity of Guardian #10201 (masterbeef444), we get references to Halo, Bungie, and a giant slingshot...and I think we all know what happens after the giant slingshot. [i](Side note, today is my 10th BNet Birthday. Double digits![/i])
I think that the real Stosh has been locked away in that pod and replaced with an imposter Stosh. Here is [url=]proof[/url].
Yes. Stosh, and a toaster.
Editado por Pamhakat: 7/9/2016 2:22:59 PMI always thought it was you from the future locked in there. Or maybe an Iron Lord as most dlc's always hint at the next one. Edit i made two seconds after commenting: NIIIIINNNJAAAA......
[quote]"Wow, Duardo! You're awesome and so cool!"[/quote] Got a terrible flashback to some of the early anime days and how cringeworthy those reactions were. I blame you... But good theory. Good theory.
I don't know what it is the folks post on massive "tin foil hat" conspiracy theories these days. So I'm just going to blame stosh instead.
I don't know why I thought this was some kind of actual discovery. I blame you for this nonsense, not stosh.
If anybody has a code they aren't using to get the moment of triumphs shirt PLZ send it to me I'm stuck where all I need is a tier 3 court of oryx kill which isn't in the rotation this week
I feel old now.
Too long, didn't read. So I'm going to blame Stosh instead. ;) Ok, I actually read it but I'm still blaming Stosh.
Editado por ODSTJacob: 7/8/2016 12:38:35 AMThis is why I come back on Bungie Day.
Nope, it's Master Chief.
Pretty disappointing
Blame stosh
How do you get the quest combat retorted....
I liked the mystery and the theories there were, but it's now all gone. Why stosh, just why?
Dang Duardo you've got everything figured out - now we just have to find LingLing's head in the Vault of Glass and all the questions will be answered.
Somehow I just knew, Stosh was going to be mentioned today
I was going to say the pod contained the Security Officer from the Marathon trilogy. Since he "died a thousand times," that would mean a thousand lifetimes, but I like your idea better.