publicado originalmente en:Septagon Media Club
This thread is full of spoilers for the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. Please do not continue reading if you do not wish for it to be spoiled.
Game of characters moving super fast across the world because they didn't make it clear how much time passed.
Overall, good episode with the closure that a season should have. Definitely didn't have some of the things I wanted, but I'm not writing the show so I'll see where this goes. Overall, not too thrilled by the season, but S06E09 made up for it.
My girlfriend is super into this show, but I haven't seen a single episode.
Let's just say tommen didn't have a very good kings landing....
That opening music piece was so beautiful. I was actually rooting for Margery to gtfo the building; i liked her and wanted to see what her plot was this whole time I cheered when Arya pulled the face off and sliced the Freys throat Benjen said the dead cant pass the wall cuz magic. Soooo.... y r we worried about the white walkers? Jon is a trueborn stark and taergaryn (spelling) :gasp!:
-blam!-ing loved the episode. But I got some questions... Why didn't Coldhands leave the damn horse? Bran can't walk and whatsherface is supposed to drag him to the wall?? Speaking of which, was Bran at the Tree that Jon and Sam swore the oath in front of? If so...maybe she doesn't need to drag him that far? Where was Jora? Seems to me that sooo much time has passed in this one episode, that Jora must be fully covered in scales. I mean Varis went all the way to Dorne, and then Back. The Old Queen of Thornes made it from Highgarden to Dorne and then got troops and boats all the way to slaver's....err Dragon's Bay (some of the boats in Danny's fleet have the Rose symbol on the sails). That's a lot of time. I expect Jora to meet up with Sam, who'll help cure him...and those two are the link between Danny and Jon other than Danny being Jon's...aunt that is. Speaking of Jon...When young Ned enters the tower, he puts Dawn up against the bed. What happens to that sword? Davos is an ass. First of all if Stanis didn't want his kid burned to death she'd still be alive. Melisandra wasn't the King nor the Queen. If Davos was so morally high and mighty why did he stick around after Renley was murdered by the Smoke monster he witnessed? Why did he stick around after so many others were burned to death? How long was the feast at the Frey's? Black Walder and his bro were alive at the start, when Aria was eyeballing Jamie. But, that same day, the brothers are chopped and minced into a baked pie? GOT plays very, very lose with time.
Daenerys is becoming quite the mad queen, taking after her father. Hopefully Jamie kills her soon.
We're all agreeing that cersei will be killed by Jamie or maybe arya. The real problem with this is how will they get the mountain out of the way?
Cersi has to be killed by Jamie next season, and I swear daenaris better not take her sweet time getting to westeros. Especially with varys teleporting around..
Why is no one else saying "dang Cersei be killing that Heart of Praxxic Fire?" She looked like my warlock wished she looked.
The whole season has been building for that one kill fest where the slate gets wiped clean and start anew. And there it was. Houses tumble down the social ladder , forcing those who have lost to build alliances. The ones who lost nothing gain more allies and have a renewed sense of purpose. The cockroaches who have been getting by with the skin of their teeth, begin to emerge from the shadows and stake their claim. And yet, the greatest threat to them all lays beyond the wall, waiting for their time. Waiting for winter to come.
Editado por Sapid: 6/28/2016 3:23:10 AMI feel like they kinda rushed the Arya story for that sweet, sweet pie scene. And it was almost worth it. I still won't forget her getting stabbed multiple times and still managing to escape a trained assassin though.
I have seen so many "new meaning to King's Landing" jokes in the past 48 hours...
Fantastic episode. We should all have some pie to celebrate.
I'm sorry, but Tommen's suicide gave me a good laugh.
I'm wondering if there was anybody present in the throne room when littlefinger betrayed Ned that is still alive besides cersei. Would love to see what happens when Jon/sansa learn of that.
Editado por Currrrtis Blow: 6/27/2016 8:26:21 PMHoly -blam!- Cersei. Making Aerys look good. Also, Lannisters are -blam!-ed.
Sansa is going to end up betraying Jon. She's been corrupted.
I really wanna know more about wildfire
When he died I was so sad.
I liked the finale a lot, but it was still pretty predictable like every other episode this season. Like the scene where Tommen jumps? Super obvious. Still enjoyed it though, especially all the character interactions and bits of development. On a side note; >Tmw you've been watching so much animu that you expect a season to end after 12 episodes I didn't realize I was watching the season finale as I could have sworn GoT had 12 episodes a season...
Editado por Oak_Khan: 6/27/2016 3:52:29 PMSeason started off really epic, Then it slowed down, like a lot Then it picked itself back up and became legendary again Although I predicted literally everything in the last ep, didn't miss a single scene. So I think they are becoming a bit too predictable
Kinda baffled Cersi killed them all knowing what Tommen would do. She used to have the redeeming quality of caring for her children and trying to be a good mother. She truly has become just an evil monster. As far as things go in the North, having little finger anywhere close to my favorite characters makes me more uncomfortable than waterboarding. All those swords didn't keep Robb from getting killed and there are far fewer swords around Jon, Tormund and Sansa. He needs to die.
Winter is here. Next season looks like it might be all out war.
First for zombies