i hated it when oberyn got killed... he was my fave character and i shed a tear.
when arya's sword instructor was left alone to fight against meryn trant. he probably died because he only had a stick to fight with. i'm kinda good now because arya revenged him.
jon snow's death made me really sad :( i was very emotional and shocked.
worst one was hodor's death. i've never cried this much because of a tv show before.
I just had an orange creamsicle pop ( •-•)
give me .__.
It's all gone though \( •-•)/
rood.. you didn't even ask if i wanted some
Not my fault \( ._.)/
Same! His death wasn't bad compared to others but it was just so horrifying and devastating that the tears rained.
i know (;-; ) [spoiler]you are talking about hodor, right?[/spoiler]
Yea I am