Greetings, Guardian
We are Terror Britannia.
Our goal is to bring like-minded Brits together to enjoy the game we all love in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. We strive to share our skills and experience, to learn from one another and, most importantly, laugh while doing so! We have banished all enlisting requirements for anyone looking for a team to ensure that each and every Guardian stands equally.
Anyone from the UK, whether you’re new or seasoned in Destiny, is welcome to join us. If you want to help us to teach others, or learn from the masters, then jump on in. A positive attitude is all you need!
We offer multi-platform support for all PvE & PvP activities, including regular Raid Runs for those who need a little extra bit of guidance in any of the Raids. Never got a chance to be a Sword Bearer or Relic Holder? We aim to teach those who perhaps missed out on some of the game’s experiences. We guide people through activities, not drag or carry them, and we endeavour to help all our members achieve the very best out of Destiny.
We are currently a group of over 4000 members, and that doesn’t include the thousands of brothers and sisters in our neighbouring clans; Terror Americus, Terror Europa & Terror Australis.
Together, we form a global Destiny community!
We were lucky enough to be featured last year by Cosmo on the Bungie home-page, as part of the Unite the Clans weekly feature. This is helped us continue to expand and build greater allegiances
Interested in joining our ever expanding family? Drop us a request and come say hi!
We look forward to seeing you in the forum and in combat, Guardian.
Terror Britannia: [url][/url]
Terror Australis: [url][/url]
Terror Europa: [url][/url]
Terror Americus: [url][/url]
Bump! Our player base is still growing! Even more people to team up with, joke about how bollocks the weather is, and knock 6 colours of shite out of taken gits!
Bump! Come meet and greet, and get some sound guys n girls together to gear up and get ready for the new content drop!
I adore this clan with a passion I normally reserve for alcoholic beverages. Jump on in if you are after an accepting, chilled community. You will not be disappointed!
Joined this clan a few months back and couldn't be happier! Best move I've made whilst playing destiny. It's not just about the game it's about the people you meet that makes this game that much more enjoyable and I've met some top lads/ladies in Britannia. Everyone is always happy to help!! Get amongst it people!!
This clan sounds awesome is it open to new destiny players tho ?
Bump! Come join up, make some friends and get prepped for the new content drop!
Editado por Tree: 3/24/2016 1:57:43 PMSent my request, can't wait! You be okay with a 15 year old of the West Midlands variety? Been a lone wolf up till now and really want to try some of the group activities and have fun with some cool people and help out in any way I can :)
I joined this clan a while back now and can honestly say it has more helpful and friendly guys than any other clan I've been in. If your looking for good company, a laugh and people of all gaming standards then join up... It's a win win.
Clan is very friendly and always willing to help people out. I joined here looking for help with strikes and raids and unlike a lot of the group forums that you find they take the time and explain step by step what you have to do.
Took me from a 299 solo player to a 319 hm regular. Great company and so helpful. Best move I made was joining this clan
If it were not for this clan, destiny would of been in the bin by now. Get involved people. It's not just about a game with this clan, you meet some top notch ladies/gents. No one judges, we help each other out and create and strong and pleasant atmosphere...
This clan is AWESOME I joined it a coupe of months ago and I've been having a great time. All the people are great and very nice. If you are anywhere in destiny for just starting destiny or have been playing since the beta you should totally join. I hope to see some of you like minded Brits in this clan and look forward to play with u NOTE: this is not a LFG clan no light level requirements a lot. That's not saying you have to let a 260 into a hm kings fall just don't make ridiculous light lv requests.
Don't join this clan is full of fun loving guys and gals it's terrible actually having a laugh whilst playing like who wants that really :/.
Joined the clan a few months back because I didnt have many friends that played destiny but now I have made alot of new friends to help and have a laugh with whither it be raid strike nightfall or crucible we always have a laugh its like one big extended family across all gamming platforms
As a brother from across the wet blue expanse of the pacific ocean, i can say that the team at Terror Britannia are some of the most helpful, fun and entertaining people ive ever had the pleasure of gaming with. If it werent for the terror alliance, i would have given up on end game content and multiplayer all together. I can safely say that i now have a gaming family...and if you are looking for a safe, fun and more importantly accepting community, look no further than the Terror Alliance.
Join the clan after getting destiny the taken king. All i can say is without the clan i would never have completed the taken champion quests let alone the raid. Great set of people, always willing to lend a hand no matter what stage you are or if you are weapon hunting such as the black spindle or no time to explain. If you're looking for a fun and chilled out clan then this is the clan for you. #ManditoryBritanniaTeabag 😂😂
Got to say one of the biggest laughs out there, this is one of the best clans, don't join if you're some sort of elitist "must have gally year 8, must have 5 spindle, must have k ratio of 8-1 I WILL BE CHECKING" sort, do give us a try if you are laid back and helpful sort and are looking for similar minded sorts
This clan is awesome, so many people helping and treating everyone the same. I was a raid noob before i joined this clan and ive gone from 300 on all 3 characters to 315 and above. Everyone has made me feel welcome and will help u as much as possible. The banter is great and i would go for a drink with all the lads and lasses ive met. So dont hesitate to join.
I spent most of Year 1 as a solo player so I never got to do a raid, nightfall or other activities that require a fireteam. I joined Terror Britannia about 5 months ago and it was the best decision I made. I have now completed the Kings Fall raid many times, got all the exotics and play crucible more than I ever did before. I have met a great bunch of people who have made my Destiny experience so much better. The people in this clan are here to help you get more out of Destiny, not to carry or drag you through but to teach or guide you on your journey. It may seem intimidating to join a clan but you will be made to feel as part of the family when you join. I look forward to fighting the darkness with you but you have to join first !
Great clan, very helpfull and many great players. Check out the mandate, see if its for you :) happy hunting gaurdians