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Editado por ERN ACOLYTE: 2/26/2016 7:42:35 AM

Feedback on weapon diversity and pve bore fest

Now that I have your attention So for introductions sake I feel that pve in destiny has been deprived of attention by bungie, so I wanted to propose three solutions there are plenty of people stating the problems with this game this is not one of those post. Problem 1: weapon diversty Solution: this one is pretty simple and I have issues believing it hasn't been considered yet. Bring all guns and armor from year one forward and have the vendors sell the weapons with a rotating inventory that changes on the reset with new weapons with new perks every week to keep things fresh. Problem 2: loot drops sucking Now I don't know if this is just a personal problem...but it's something I have a personal gripe with this one will give you an excuse to grab two buds and go grind strikes till you forget what sunlight looks like what I'm propsing is the chance for random legendary weapons to drop at the end of each strike (author's note: the reason I'm proposing weapons and not engrams is cause dropping just engrams means you have to return to orbit ending your vanguard streak which is why I currently hate engrams) example to give you an idea imagine you and your best bud have just beat phogoth and you see it a purple you run over in exciment to find a shadow price with the perfect roll and your bud finally gets the side arm that he has always wanted also did I mention that these guns would drop frequently? Just to keep giving you the motivation to do one more. Problem three: not all year one content being realvent now this is simple just do it bungie come on I'll buy you a sandwich just do it Problem 4: patrol sucking Patrols have always sucked imo there was just never a reason to do it my fix have missons be harder and more interesting and at the end a chest will appear near you where you will receive a reward based off you lvl also to help make it more interesting things like warsats would spawn less but be harder but would end with a chest appearing with guaranteed loot also three of coins could drop exotics at the end of these events In Conclusion these are what I think could and should be done to help pve survive in such a boring period for destiny plz leave your own ideas in the comments and I know my grammar sucks plz be nice and have a nice day Edit 1: acradian ash had a great idea and I'm qouting home here "I'd be very happy if they just let us infuse everything. I'd be ecstatic if Xur sold something that permanently infused any weapon with your choice of element"

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  • [quote]Problem 1: weapon diversty Solution: this one is pretty simple and I have issues believing it hasn't been considered yet. Bring all guns and armor from year one forward and have the vendors sell the weapons with a rotating inventory that changes on the reset with new weapons with new perks every week to keep things fresh.[/quote] This alone will not fix weapon diversity. ANOTHER contributing factor to the lack of weapon diversity is the infusion system. There is very few 320 drops so people can't level up a bunch of weapons to light cap. Finding the infusion fuel is just too difficult. So you add in BAD selection of weaponry and a TERRIBLE infusion system and the result is everyone just picks the safest guns with the best overall perks, which happens to be available from the Dead Orbit vendor (the Hung Jury). So is it any wonder that everyone is just running around with Hung Jury's? Its a safe weapon. You have limited resources to infuse your weaponry, so you will use those resources on the safest picks. OHH, and by the way, your also going to use the gear that makes your light level the highest regardless....So is it also any wonder that most people use the Hung Jury 90% of the time in PVE? Not in the slightest. GET RID OF THE FREAKING INFUSION SYSTEM. I cannot emphasize this enough. The infusion system is god aweful and kills ANY incentive players have to keep playing. We either need FAR MORE infusion fuel by having many more methods of getting 320 items (even 320 rares would due!), or all hard raid gear and exotic gear needs to drop at 320, no exceptions, OR you can change the infusion system completely so that we are not required to infuse our gear with other gear, but instead we infuse it with motes of light earned through gaining experience past level 40! At this point, I really don't care which of the three methods they choose, BUT one of these three things needs to be changed in the upcoming DLC or I will not continue to play this game.

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    9 Respuestas
    • Editado por eternal_napalm: 2/27/2016 1:54:02 AM
      Weapon diversity isn't hard to do. Dark Souls has tons of weapon diversity through hundreds of weapons, different weapon types, patterns weapons flow when wielded, elements and effects (Fire, Bolt, Divine, Dark, Bleed, Magic, Poison, Raw), how weapons scale with attributes i.e. Dexterity, Strength, Intelligence and the like. It's not hard to do.

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      • Editado por PomOnline: 2/27/2016 12:07:05 AM
        I see where your going with the weapon drops and engrams, it's not good when the chance of getting the weapon you want is low, and your looking for that weapon with a good role which makes it even harder, and they took away re rolling so the grind has become stupid in ttk.

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        • Also they need to bring the lightlvl of your loot up to your actuall lightlvl. I dont care how great a weapon might be, if its on 280 light, i dont need it!

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          • If they implemented this pve would be happy. But they won't. And we have no idea why. So we leave

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            9 Respuestas
            • The PvE portion of this game is so dead. Huge disappointment! They don't tell us anything helpful. I don't know if I could ever come back after such a disappointing experience. Worst update ever. "Updates to the Content Roadmap we laid out a few weeks ago are also on the way. We’ll have more to say about that bespoke “update slated for Spring.” Designers will be front and center to unveil new details about a content release that will feature “a significant Light increase, a bunch of new gear to earn and equip, and new challenges for PvE players seeking some more fun experiences and replayability.” Wow Bungie. Wow!!! You are all so disconnected with your bored player base. What a poor update on the terrible state of everything PvE. Unbelievably poor support for PvE!! Bungie has neglected the PvE aspects of this game to the point of utter stagnation. I've never had a game turn so rancid on me. I've never hated a game I played as much as I hate Destiny. Nor the 40+ people I used to play with. It was such a disappointing experience. Bungie has their head up their ass if they think they can keep their player base with these gaps in content. Not to mention the ... -split in community based on dlc purchases -uber small PvE maps -lack of PvE maps -lack of story -lack of guardian customization -no weapon customization -the non-exotic exotics -the ever-shifting-economy that voids our time/effort -introducing shallow micro transactions -introducing hollow events based around those shallow micro transactions -hiding game stats behind paywalls -forgetting about y1 raids, poe and strikes -leaving our y1 gear behind during our forced regression from y1 to y2 -abandoning primary burn damage -lack of useful information on the road map of this game .... And just to be clear, we are not suggesting anything beyond what should be in the game now for us all, it is not some hopeful wish list of cool ideas for the future. Not close. How is all that missing from this game now !?!?! You took out so much content, you voided so much time/effort.... I have lost all faith and love for Bungie. These are bare bones, common sense, give-us-our-damn-game-back type of ideas. Most of what I typed are features that should be in this game as it plays NOW. The fact these features were taken from us, doesn't mean we should be happy when they finally decide to give them back, or even worse, charge for the content to become relevant again! We should have NEVER lost the relevance of our Y1 time and effort. Bungie should have spent their time on actual story-based content and creating giant PvE worlds for Y2. Screw off Bungie. Your attitude sucks now, your Destiny support has been horrid, and you misrepresented the game in huge ways!!

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              • What dismantle a weapon that has an element and you got a element core that you could attach to a weapon (primary) that didn't have one........?

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                • Editado por WINTER PROPHET: 2/26/2016 8:28:04 AM
                  You [b]had[/b] me at bringing back the gear. And the nature of either upgrading what we kept OR the ability to re-gain what was taken from us that we payed for would at least be a sign Pete Parsons recognizes on a huge scale what was lost. At 18:33 in this discussion is the only time I've been on the edge of saying what I shouldn't in these podcasts because every single person who stopped playing destiny on my list said the SAME thing with different tones and a couple different words. [i]"Bungie made my gear useless"[/i]. If community was allowed to carry all gear forward into each expansion RNG would still be dropping new gear. So we'd still be earning new gear. If our gear told our story like Bungie stated... our story would be forgotten because our gear always becomes irrelevant and made useless by Bungie. This is not an mmo. This is not WoW. Bungie should bring back all the gear (it still exists in the game) and make it viable. I'm pretty sure multi level patrols will be added at higher difficulties, Let us upgrade what we kept that tells the players story when the next expansion comes.

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                  • I'd be very happy if they just let us infuse everything. I'd be ecstatic if Xur sold something that permanently infused any weapon with your choice of element.

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                    • Just because of your infidelity title I didn't read anything you had to say. Try a more appropriate and mature approach next time.

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                      • You had me at vendors sell weapons with a rotating inventory. Now go eat a pinecone.

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                        • Plz follow the tag and read before commenting

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