Post below your most memorable moment in Destiny! It could be anything from getting a new piece of gear to good no on a 100 kill streak! (that would be awesome)
Edit: Thank you so much for 250 replies! You guardians have shared a lot of funny and crazy moments in Destiny!
Edit: It seems like a lot of memorable moments include first vog completions, trials clutches, and crazy loot drops! Let's hear some more moments guardians!
Edit: Holy crap guys thank you so much for getting this post to 300 replies! (about 50 of those are me replying but who cares) This has been my largest post ever, thank you!
Edit: If you have a clip to go along side your moment please include it! I was thinking I could put them in a spoiler or something so everyone can see it! (Think like a top 10 or something)
Edit: 400 Replies!!!
Way back in the day. Last run on atheon hard. I cleansed before we left the gate, and as we come through you hear "Oh crap, there's 2 gorgons right outside the gate". Boom, killed the two with me in the gate. As I ran to the center,(the island wasn't used much back then), 2 more died from atheon. And somehow the person with me in the bubble died to, from that unknown splash damage that used to happen. Solo now, and only 29, I layed into him with all of my Vision, icebreaker and unfriendly Giant, and threw a scatter nade and prayed I'd kill him In time. He was slivering in health now. I didnt, and he teleported me into Mars gate, but my grenade did just enough to kill him off. My buddy got 2 vex to drop for him, wow, and I got three of the same helmet with the exact same stats/perks.. lol. I know it's easy to solo kill him now, but then it was different.
When I first went into earth patrol when down the steps and got obliterated by ??? Hive. At that young naive moment I thought this game was going to be filled with boundless possibilities. Flash forward a year and I just want my old strikes back.
My son and I joined an LFG at Atheon - back when HM was still actually pretty hard and getting a vex was a big deal Smooth run - killed in first run in 2 teleports (son ran relic both of them) We both got the Vex - very confusing over the mics at first since we play in different rooms of the man cave - had to meet up in person to fist bump/high five/etc... Also got our first crota normal kill together and got HOC drops - I was swording and we didn't even know Crota followed a rotation so we ended up killing him by the right side door
I remember having my LDR 5001 with ammo roll. It wreck in Year 1 Trials. Barely ran out of ammo. It on my Warlock with Ambush/Shortgaze, Double Down, Field Scout and Clown Cartridge
I was playing the nightfall for the first time (year 1) and my friend was bragging about his Icebreaker and I got the gun at the end of the nightfall (also my first exotic) and he punched me in the stomach the next day at school lol
When I got my gjallarhorn
The first time I laid eyes on the Glass Throne (I know I don't have any Raid completions. This was on an account prior to this one).
Uninstalling the game and all its cut content. :)
Finally got Vex after months of trying for it.
I almost cried when i got my first vexythoclast Everyone used to enjoy the game back then
First vex
Crota has like a sliver of health left, I say fire and Simone had forgotten to take the knights out so they kill two people, over soul spawn, team uses rockets to take down and I get final hit as over soul takes us down. I got the sparrow and scout I was so happy
Editado por Osiris the exile: 1/13/2016 1:59:46 PMGoing on a 23 kill streak , and shutting down three(3!) hammers with headshots all at once ( this was before nerf , so pretty hard to do)
Shutting down a hammer and a stormcaller with my GG seconds after they popped them. XD Or there's the time I throwing knifed a hammer. Or when I got a throwing knife headshot off the grav boosters in crossroads.
When I got 4 nova bombs thrown at my Bubble. No one on my team survived.
When I got hawkmoon from ir yut and the complaining from the other people that they didn't get anything. lol suck it beyotches
When the vex dropped in VoG. It was the one weapon I wanted above everything else. Glorious
When they announced no paid dlc and I finally quit the game and never came back
Almost getting 7th collum with stormcaller
Editado por ItsWesleyNL: 1/13/2016 4:08:31 PMI already had about 5 gjallerhorns dropped for me, a close irl friend had never seen one for himself. We were raiding. Me, seconds before killing crota: inb4 i get a gjallerhorn. Him: i will hate you forever *i found gjallerhorn* He was swearing his butt off. We went to load op vog gorgon cp. Me: i hope you get one now Him: i better get it or otherwise i will never play. We open it up *he finds ascendent energy* *i find gjallerhorn* And that was the last day i have seen him on destiny until xur sold the ghallerhorn
It was 4-4 in trials and we had 8 wins 0 losses, we went to overtime and I was the last t Person standing and The other team was dead so their warlocks self rezzed and U shut him down and went flawless
When I got gjhallarhorn when xur was selling it in the bar, and at the same time I bought it someone started playing music from the juke box and it was the badass version of the Destiny theme and I danced with the person that played it
Getting Nineveh
When i found my favorite gun in the game "THE MESSENGER" but it didnt last long cuz its a year one weapon. But its still my fav gun of the whole game
Going flawless for the first time using a fate bringer, found verdict, radigast.
I think my most memorable was 2 manning Crotas End. Yes, granted House of Wolves just came out. But still was great to get the Flawless Raider achievement at that time. Another great moment was killing Qodron in the Prison of Elders for the first time he was released. That Vex guy was insane...