publicado originalmente en:Seventh Conflux
Anyone still dreaming of a white Christmas? Well, I hope that some of you are getting some snow this holiday season, regardless if you celebrate one of the festivities or not.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another Septagon Community Update. Yes, new name. These won't be as frequent as before but you can be sure that they'll go up during different celebrations and community events. On that note, happy holidays, everyone. I'm glad that you could join us for this year's ending festivities.
This update won't be like most others. It's more a gathering place to talk about the coming year and the past 359/360 days. With that, let's begin. I hope you have a mug of hot chocolate.
As always, Art and Stuff has us covered in their creatively sewn blankets. [url=]A Christmas themed Destiny art contest[/url] is going on, so be sure to check it out. You don't have to create something if you're just curious about looking at what others have created. Along with that, Progo led the community Christmas card that he's sent off to Bungie. Check out this gallery of the finished product.
Don't see your name in the book? Well, there's always next year to submit your stylised signature to the gift.
[u][b]Community Spotlight[/b][/u]
For this edition, I wanted to focus on a very talented artist in our community. You may have seen his work in the Creations section of the site, but I thought he deserved a little more recognition. His name is Zerahoc, the creator of [url=]this stunning piece[/url], and he's joined me for a short interview.
[quote][b]Q: Hello, Zerahoc, and thank you for joining me during this holiday season. Just to make sure everyone is on the same page as us, could you introduce yourself to everyone and tell them a little about what you do in relation to the community and Destiny?[/b]
Hello, my name is Josh, but I go by Zerahoc in most online games. While my gaming circle in Destiny is pretty small, I've created some fanart that's gotten a lot of notice in the community creations page. I'm an artist by trade, and I've been a huge fan of the artistry in Destiny, both fanart and official works.
[b]Q: I'm sure many have seen your absolutely incredible work. It's inspiring to see such amazing talent in the community. How long have you been an artist for?[/b]
I've been drawing on my own ever since I was a child, but I've been working professionally only for a little over a year, in addition to doing freelance work.
[b]Q: Good for you. That's quite impressive. What got you interested in creating art based on Destiny?[/b]
I've always been a huge fan of science fiction works, and it shows in my art. I love mechanical things and enjoy focusing on detail and accuracy in my pieces. Bungie's produced a lot of visually stunning work, and it's been influencing me ever since the first days of Halo: Combat Evolved. Destiny is filled with visually rich characters and scenery, and I wanted to capture some of that richness.
[b]Q: I fully agreed and, if I might say so, you did an excellent job at that in your Warlock piece. As a very skilled artist, do you have any advice for budding or veteran artists out there in the community?[/b]
Thanks for the compliment! If an artist is looking to improve, it's good to constantly be practicing your craft. Make use of reference material and don't be afraid to experiment with new things. For those looking to do professional work, having contacts in the industry and a solid presence on the net can give you a big leg up. You need to be noticed to be hired!
[b]Q: How about your art, that being, where can the community find more of your works, be they Destiny related or otherwise?[/b]
I can be found [url=]on DeviantArt[/url] and [url=]on tumblr[/url].
[b]Q: Great! I hope to see more work from you in the future. Thank you so much for joining me for this, I know the community would appreciate it. If you or anyone else is/are looking for art groups on, check out Art and Stuff. They'd love to have you. Again, I greatly appreciate you taking the time out of your days to do this. Happy holidays.[/b][/quote]
[u][b]The Sun Sets on the Old and Rises to the New[/b][/u]
This community is brilliant. It's changed its shape, it's location, and so much more, but it always endures. In truth, I have no idea where we're going to go, but I'm excited to find out. Each day is a step towards a new evolution. Each day is a new joke or memory that we create. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to spend it with all of you, both old and new, over these years. I look forward to seeing you grow and change with me in the years to come. Here's to the future, to the return of the Webmaster and Soul, to the birth of new traditions, to the fire that keeps this community alive that resides in each of us.
[u][b]Question of the Season:[/b][/u]
[b]Ancients:[/b] What would you like to see added to the site? Heck, it's Christmas, you can ask for three gifts for the new year, what are they?
[b]Newbies:[/b] Where do you want to see Destiny go? What are three things you'd like to see added to the living world?
We'll talk again soon, Septagon. Until next year,
Stay classy, community.
Editado por BARACK OBAMA: 1/30/2016 5:54:36 AM1. Destiny needs a less ambiguous enemy. Yes, we've had Crota, Skolas, and Oryx as some direct enemies to fight against, but I feel Destiny needs a puppet master type villain that is interconnected during most of the story. The Darkness is pretty cool, but the story tends to get rapped up in the final boss you're going to take down at the end of the expansion/game that it forgets to focus on the Darkness directly. We've heard of a Formless One, and I'm really hoping this becomes the main antagonist of Destiny from now on, or at the least isn't killed off during the same expansion he/she is introduced in. 2. More villains! I know this seems contradictory to my first wish, but Destiny has so far come up with cool bosses and enemies to fight against, but the buildup they had with Omnigul was something I would like to see again on a larger scale. Having a sub-boss that directly relates to the main plot is something Destiny would benefit from. 3. Less serious PvP gamemodes. Yes, we've got Mayhem now, and that causes some limited fun with the chaos of everyone spamming their abilities, but something a little more organized but more social than it is competitive would be great to add to Destiny. Not to be tied down to what Halo offered, but gamemodes like Juggernaut and Infection come to mind. Something original to Destiny would be something like one team has one player with the VoG Aegis and needs to defend the relic holder from the other team.
I still miss those Blue Bars
Titles More ninjas Disembodied soul
Editado por Kody: 1/15/2016 6:01:29 AMI'm late af. I'd like to see new avatars (it's been so long since I read why we don't have customs that it very well could be a reasonable reason). Resources, ranks, and other custom features added (back) to groups. A more functional forum so #gaming, #community, and other non-Destiny specific forums aren't ripe with posts that should be elsewhere. Though I hear moderation is changing so perhaps that will help. With that said, I think that groups getting chat rooms was -blam!-ing awesome and the web team does not get enough credit for it.
I want an exotic engram, legendary weapon, and 31 strange coins, [spoiler]thanks Santa lol[/spoiler]
I just want to be able to JOIN/leave/edit clans on the app..
Buff auto rifles
pura mierda
Custom games Tournaments hosted by BNG More ways to earn exclusive emblems
Editado por ShaughnTr0n: 12/25/2015 8:19:52 PMI was going to answer the Ancient question, but I don't feel like being a downer today, so I'll go with the noobie route instead. Custom games would be a good start. MORE GRIMOIRE? (Maybe those last 3 calcified shards, hmm?!) More SRL with more maps and Mario Kart-esque gametypes.
Editado por Progo: 12/26/2015 9:32:14 PMStuff I would like to see added to this website: 1: better integration of Creations into the #Gallery section. 2: more group tools, and the ability to delete wall posts is chief among those tools we need. 3: user titles. Thanks for making this, and that was a great interview.
Titles would be nice But legacy themed instead of destiny themed
Editado por Spartan1732: 1/1/2016 12:17:31 AMBeen here for years enjoying all Bungie content. I even have the seventh column emblem tattooed on my back. Beware the slingshot!
I'm not sure what the distinction between Ancients and Newbies actually is, so I'm going to assume that makes me a Newbie. I like that question better anyway. [quote][b]Newbies:[/b] Where do you want to see Destiny go? What are three things you'd like to see added to the living world?[/quote] 1) Expanded talent grids with more subclass abilities. 2) A crafting system. 3) Some form of loot distribution for raid drops.
I miss the Septagon :'( it used to be my home.
¿¿es verdad que en el año que entra el rey de los poseídos esa expansion va estar para los que no pudieron comprarlo??
We need a better place to show art. We need to give some more respect to those artists. In this special forum- like place on we can have an easy way to place pictures and gifs. Bungie could even make an COTW (creation of the week). And small events. The emblem creator also fits perfectly in this place. Maybe a function to show emblems you've created to the community. This would also have a good place to suggest and vote for the MOTW and COTW.
[quote]Buff all weapons to vanilla. Pulse the same. Hand cannons with more handling, autos the same as now. Scouts the same as now, snipers the same as now, more damage to fusions. Shotgun back to what it was without ridiculous range. Heavy is all good.[/quote]
How can I join septagon?
Charlemagne I really think you should be community manager. Your be perfect for the role.
I would like to copy all of Mechetti's answers as he is an obvious mind reader and read my mind before I had a chance to read this and answer.
That sexy longhorn
[quote]What would you like to see added to the site? Heck, it's Christmas, you can ask for three gifts for the new year, what are they?[/quote] Ah, man, I could wright so many things here. Guess I'll start off with the obvious one, titles. I'd love to see titles return to the site. I'd also like to see some more regular community involvement on Bungie's side. The Bungie Bounties, Ride Alongs, etc. It's very rare I see even as much as an employee on the forums. More of that would be cool. As for my third "gift," I'd have to ask for some more customization in private groups. [quote]Where do you want to see Destiny go? What are three things you'd like to see added to the living world?[/quote] Custom Games would be great. I'd like a few more planets to explore too. Maybe see that Mercury Social Space become an actual Social Space. Maybe some more of those random occurrences, such as the wolves, public events, etc. I dunno, don't really play Destiny all that much anymore, so...
Editado por Kell of Kellogs: 12/25/2015 8:28:12 PMLove it as always Charlemagne! Personally I'd love to see a change in the community side of Bungie. Although that is something that we as the community need to do rather than Bungie. Plus I'd love to be able to browse though users creations from the companion app when I'm not able to reach a computer (which is often). I love the art that comes out of this community and I want more of it! I think I'd like to see Destiny give new users a reason to check out some of the great year 1 content such as Vault of Glass. This stuff was an amazing part of the game way back when. I'll still play though it from time to time as it brings back great memories. Keep it up! [spoiler]SRL was a great thing to happen in Destiny. I certainly hope it we see its return and as well as more events like it[/spoiler]