I got it from the silver tier trials bounty. I really wanna use it sooooo badly, but i can't because shaders dont change it's color, it also doesnt help that it's just an ugly armor piece overall.
Sigh.... now all i can do is stare at it in the vault in frustration... which i cant even enjoy for long cus its so ugly :/
You're stupid. Looks should never come before utility. Also, IT'S A FIRST PERSON GAME DURRRRRRRRRRRE
Fashion > Function always.
That's beyond stupid, have fun never living up to your full potential and being the only one who cares even remotely about your character's appearance!
Was i supposed to ever give a shit about what other people thought about what my destiny character looks like? o.o My game, my characters, i play them how i feel like it, using what ever pleases me. You seem rather upset at my own personal decisions about how i choose to play a game i purchased with my own money. I'll just assume you're extremely jealous you dont have TG yet and are truly mad someone who does have it doesnt feel like using it because it's ugly. Get a hold of yourself kid, you're acting like a bitch right now. Calm the fhuck down.
I loaded Destiny to turn in 1 engram I saved for TG. Got TG Giggled and realized there's nothing left to do with a snazzy new chest piece, all been done before. Went back to Siege
I really want that blade dancer armor that makes your super and arc grenade build faster. That's all im gunning for now.
I'd really like new content to use this new gear in. But hey, we'll have to pay another $40 before we get that.
Just use chatterwhite with it
I dont know what that is. I dont pve unless i absolutely have to :/
Was just going to add this. Seen some titans in TG and white and they looked pretty darn crisp.
He only has 1 VoG completion though, so there's a chance he doesn't have it.
Check my titan out. The shader I have on it dont look to bad with. But wish it would change when you put a different shader on.
Just pray for Bungie to let us change ti with shaders. Also here is the reason why its so good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Q3FizxJUM
Video not available.
Its the movie thats is featured in the weekly update