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Hablemos de Destiny.
Editado por DeusFever: 10/27/2015 4:26:16 PM

Treasures of the Lost are not cosmetic only

Pay-to-win has come to "Destiny". As part of the Festival of the Lost, players can use silver to purchase Treasures of the Lost. This random package could include items that speed up weapons upgrades and glimmer farming. So, remember when Bungie said silver would only be used for cosmetic items? Well, they aren't. Micro-transactions are a slippery slope. The community needs to keep Bungie from going down that slope. Make your voices hear. Raise a ruckus. Let the Bungie faithful assail your revulsion of micro-transactions and pay-to-win. Let them see your resolve. Until Bungie relents and goes back to making "Destiny" the game it should be, we hold the line. Edit: From Reddit [url=][/url] These aren't cosmetic items only. They include consumables. Edit: Keep responding. "STFO, "Never go full . . .", "You're an idot". It's all there already. Every reply bumps this post and keeps the pressure on Bungie to avoid going pay-to-win. And yes, I know some Guardians would love it if "Destiny" went pay-to-win and they could just buy a Gjallarhorn 3.0, but that's not the game I bought.

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  • People bashing on OP, a couple of things: 1. Regarding the "slippery slope": Now a lot the folks calling OP stupid and retarded and dozens of other immature crap, are almost certainly the same people arguing just a few weeks ago "Silver is just for cosmetics, quit being a tinfoil hat paranoid loser!" Well it's been maybe 2 weeks (has it even been 2 weeks yet??), and we've gone from cosmetics to consumables... THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF A SLIPPERY SLOPE. It's already happened. The slopes done slipped. In under a month we've gone from being able to buy *only* cosmetics with real world money to buying cosmetics AND consumables that provide a tangible in-game advantage (REGARDLESS of how minimal that advantage is). So continuing to bash on the OP for making the slippery slope argument in INVALID, as the slippery slope has already occurred. 2. For the multitudes arguing "But those items are already available in game for free!" You need to recognize, that you are literally making the OP's point. The word is dumb, but this IS the pay-to-win model. The idea is, there are things that can be acquired in the game by playing the game, and there is also a way to skip the in-game process and immediately purchase those things with real world cash. Whether these consumables actually let you "win" or not irrelevant, because that's a nonsense term and there's no prescription for what pay-to-win is, simply a philosophy... the point is that you can now subvert in-game processes by simply spending cash.. ..So to make the fallacy of your arguments here really clear, to say that "Those items are already available in-game from drops or the gunsmith," is equivalent to saying in this hypothetical: "Well sure you can buy a Sleeper Simulant for silver, but it's literally the exact same gun I could get by completing the quest." Again, I'm not ignorant, I realize these Halloween items are meaningless... the point is that slippery slope, that has now been proven within literally a matter of days, and the principal behind micro-transactions. Of course we don't know where they will go next with this... maybe this is the very last item you'll ever see for sale with silver other than emotes... but after already ramping up from cosmetics to consumables in days, it seems unlikely this is the last we'll see of Eververse. So while you all blindly accept this practice, or worse, chastise the OP for being critical of it... you are in fact being the *retards, idiots, fgts* or whatever other immature, inflammatory bullshit you all spew at people for sharing their opinions.

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    • Bump

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    • [i]In logic and critical thinking, a slippery slope is a logical device in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any rational argument or demonstrable mechanism for the inevitability of the event in question. A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect, much like an object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way to the bottom. This type of argument is sometimes used as a form of fear mongering, in which the probable consequences of a given action are exaggerated in an attempt to scare the audience. [/i]

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      • Yea cos we don't have anything that can speed up weapon upgrades or increase glimmer already.

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        • You can get all the consumables without paying Even if you do pay for them they aren't very helpful

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          • That isn't even remotely pay 2 win.

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          • Bump but I'm not sure its as bad as u say yet hope it doesn't go there either hate to quit the game but the day i have to pay for something to increases my light lvl is the day i stop playing just my opinion tho

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          • This post gave me cancer

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            2 Respuestas
            • A retard ran away, if you find him again call us and we will get him in the cage again. Sorry for any brain damage he may have caused you and the time he spent from your life.

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            • We can all get those consumables without paying though right? I have several of those, also aren't they the same as the ether seeds and things like that? They are Just re skinned for the event

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            • [quote]Pay-to-win has come to "Destiny". As part of the Festival of the Lost, players can use silver to purchase Treasures of the Lost. This random package could include items that speed up weapons upgrades and glimmer farming. So, remember when Bungie said silver would only be used for cosmetic items? Well, they aren't. Micro-transactions are a slippery slope. The community needs to keep Bungie from going down that slope. Make your voices hear. Raise a ruckus. Let the Bungie faithful assail your revulsion of micro-transactions and pay-to-win. Let them see your resolve. Until Bungie relents and goes back to making "Destiny" the game it should be, we hold the line. Edit: From Reddit [url=][/url] These aren't cosmetic items only. They include consumables. Edit: Keep responding. "STFO, "Never go full . . .", "You're an idot". It's all there already. Every reply bumps this post and keeps the pressure on Bungie to avoid going pay-to-win. And yes, I know some Guardians would love it if "Destiny" went pay-to-win and they could just buy a Gjallarhorn 3.0, but that's not the game I bought.[/quote] They -blam!-ing expire when the festival is over. Stop crying, its not p2w.

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              • HOLD! NO MERCY!!! Haha bird.

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              • Here we have a wild retard appearing in its natural habitat the online forum. The wild retard usually spews wild accusations with little to no proof or just completely over looks the simplest of facts that way they can "think" they are right. The best way to deal with them is just ignore them because they will never believe they are wrong

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                • They expire November 9th. This may be the apex of the slippery slope down to pay-2-win town, but for the time being, I'm fine with it! Seriously, most of us have far too many glimmer consumables, I have at least 100 black wax idols. All festival consumables expire, and it is not going to affect gameplay. Look at me! I'm so OP with my salty engram and glimmer telemetries! Watch the game break under my wrath because I paid for a bunch of useless consumables!

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                • How the -blam!- are these consumables pay-to-win? Wow I used a secondary telemetry, watch me dominate trials now.... This is one hell of a stupid post. You do know equipping this cosmetic gear decreases our light level yeah? More like pay-to-lose *mic drop*

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                • Just sayin, these festival of the lost consumables are going away on the 9th...

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                • Editado por GrundleBeans: 10/28/2015 6:28:37 AM
                  1) Speed up weapon upgrades? You do realize that stuff has been sold for only glimmer by the Gunsmith for awhile, right? And you also get them for free by turning in your satchels... Increased glimmer from killing certain types of enemies when you consume the candy? You mean that stuff we've all been getting free drops of since day one? 2) Microtransactions are a slippery slope is more of an argument against people who can only parrot "microtransactions are a slippery slope" instead of come up with a solid argument. It's a "what if" and "they might" bullshit, hypothetical knee jerk reaction with no concrete merit. Real things happening that are in fact paying for exclusive items that give unbeatable advantages would make an actual argument... 3) GTFOver yourself. You don't have to buy anything and it's stupid to act like you're setting some sort of pious example by saying "hold the line!" bullshit after SOOOO many people have already parroted this crap since the very first announcement of Eververse. What happened to people making their voices heard with their wallets? You know, that thing that holds your money that you don't actually have to pull out and use every time a game has a microtransaction option for things you don't actually need to enjoy the game...

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                  • The candies are literally just re skinned versions of the telemetries and glimmer consumables

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                    • [i]"Someones phaser is set to stupid."[/i]

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                    • Didnt get the point :( Every consumable are in the game, you can get it FREE with your bag or the quests so whats the point?

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                    • Lol "we hold the line"

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                    • Editado por Zelgorath: 10/28/2015 7:18:13 AM
                      You are so wrong that I do not have time to explain why I don't have time to explain how wrong you are... Wait, let me try: you are paying to win [i]what[/i], exactly? How do any of those items help you beat other guardians in PvP or excel better in PvE content? Answer:[spoiler]They don't[/spoiler] Go learn what pay to win means by playing a free to play MMO first, then come back to the forums and apologize for making an ass out of yourself.

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                    • This is still a thing?

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                    • This items that boost glimmer and weapons already exist as stuff you can buy.. Just use glimmer. "Oh no, he payed for an item that cost 250 glimmer.. He's so much better than me and I can't catch up!!" Seriously it's not pay to win. It's pay for an item you could easily get either way that probably no one is even going to use.

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                    • Buy my wiener, suck it in-game, $1.50 NOW YOU HAVE TO BUY IT OR YOU WONT LEVEL UP AS FAST AND WONT HAVE AS MUCH FUN

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                    • You're saltier than my salty engram.

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