I've completed all the Sub-Class quests for my Hunter yet the emblems are still locked in the Kiosk.
How do I go about unlocking them? Is there something I didn't do, or an error of some kind?
Editado por GreyStarr: 9/19/2015 11:04:32 PMThis may seem silly, but double check to see if you have a space available for your shader. If it's full you won't be able to grab the shader. Similar thing happened to me when I went collecting the flakes from the Dreadnaught. My items slots were filled and ever treasure chest I opened, nothing but glimmer.
Heard there a quests happening weekly, so it's possible it's a future reward. If no one received it then it isn't obtainable yet.
Same problem for me too
bump. Because this shit is annoying me too.