This is so frustrating! Bungie, when you implement something, can you think in advance? Think, what would I do if I were playing? Will this be something players will use to irritate other players?
I just left the weekly heroic because one of the people I was with was out in the area outside the strike working on his subclass quest. The thing that was so irritating was this wasn't the first time it happened this last week. It has been a week of soloing strikes till the end and then my team shows up. I thought you wanted to stop this kinda crap!?
And how do I know he was doing this? I noticed this kinda behavior several times this week so I messaged him. His response was that he was working on his quest and he'll be there soon.
It also changes the way people play the strike. It doesn't foster teamwork. So when they weren't leaving me in the lurch to fend for myself, they were doing crap that interfered with a normal strike play though. Like popping a bubble in front of a door that enemies spawn out of over and over.
You gotta think about these things Bungie when you put these stupid quests in!
Normally I don't care if people bump my threads or not, but in this case, please bump so that Bungie sees it.
Seems like people are dropping out of strikes more often now. Every weekly heroic strike I match made into always had one guy bail because he got what he wanted. Pretty shitty.
It adds a different dynamic to strikes. It's not that big a deal. Relax dude
Editado por Scorpius XX1: 9/15/2015 2:39:24 AMIt's one quest. Relax
They do better then think it through, they put it up for beta testing.