Me, Qodron, And Saint all sat in the reef waiting for the Queen. Apparently we had a big mission ahead of us. A reef guard walked over to us "the queen wishes to see you now." She said. We walk to the large gates which were guarded by the two unarmored Exo's. The gates opened with a loud groaning sound. We walked into a room that, to out suprise. Had the queen, her brother, and the three vanguard generals from the command tower (which would become the last city later on in the war). We bowed before the queen and then walked over to the table. "Orkuss", she said in a stern voice, "We have just learned from our spies that the fallen have attacked earth. I want you three to accompany our Earth's Titan General in the counter attack against them." I immediately cut in "My Queen, with all due respect, we have no idea how many fallen we are going to be facing. We all saw how large that ship was, they got to have billions of soldiers. How do we know we can combat them?" The Titan Human looked at me "we have seen the ships they sent, at most they can only have 200,000 soldiers headed. To earth. We believe that they are scouting the territory before they launch a full one." He said. "Fine", I said, "we will help you under one condition, only the human Titan and I will go, we don't know anything about these creatures and its better to lose as few people as possible." Before Saint could protest the Queen cut in "Very well. Orkuss, you and the general will go to Earth and fight the fallen. I wish you two the best of luck." And with that Me, Saint, and Qodron bowed and then exited with the three Earth generals. This was it, it was time to finally battle the first of these four species trying to destroy the Traveler.
Thank you guys for reading Chapter 3 of the Forgotten I hope you guys enjoyed. Part four will be up tommorrow and please leave a comment telling me what you thought.
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