On deployment doing this right now. planning on what i need to do to catch up when i get home even thought TTK will probably make everything i have obsolete and useless which will be devestating
why didnt you bring your system and a TV with you on deployment? my buddy had his laptop that he used during all his downtime, he was constantly on that thing with his at the time girlfriend.
I have a computer but the internet is no where near good enough to play destiny on!
Ah that sucks. Just hope your girl is not at home getting friendly with your titan. You could get home and find all your chars maxed level with all the equipment upgraded.
That'd be awesome. Then I wouldn't have to rush the day before the deadline doing HoW content to get the -blam!-ing stupid emblem
lol well give her a call and see if she's up for it.
Meh new gear means more fun leveling up :)
Yes tho that would mean we are assuming the new gear is "better" than our current gear; moreover VoG weapons! More unlikely than likely!!
From what I've seen they'll be more fun to use those new suros weapons got me pre ordering haha plus you can expect raid weapons to be awesome
I really hope. The hit home with vanilla weapons which is why they have half failed to make better ones. Look at how unbalanced weapons were at launch. They really had no idea how op they made those weapons. Oh well hopefully you are correct!!