publicado originalmente en:Team Struggle Cuddle
My guess is Gjallahorn for the weapon and Ahamkara's Spine for the hunter armor. What do you guys think and what are you hoping for?
I hope he will sell the Truth... =^..^=
According to mega man, it's supposed to be thunderlord. If it's true, I'm going to be very happy.
No -blam!-ing way it's the jellyhorn. Just saying. Montecarlo is my guess. I haven't seen that sold yet. At least not recently.
What I want him to sell: Titan - Crest of Alpha Lupi Hunter - ATS/8 Arachnid or Aclyophage Symbiote Warlock - Apotheisis Veil Helmet Engram I don't care what else he sells, since that's all the armor I have left to get and I have every weapon he has sold. But as of right now, I got Don't Touch Me and Obsidian Mind from 2 of my 3 nightfalls. Based on that I think he will sell: Titan - Helm of Inmost Light Hunter - Don't Touch Me Warlock - Obsidian Mind Weapon - Plan C Helmet Engram
I dont care what he sells. I just wnat the thunderlord
No land beyond
I know its literally impossible, but I'm hoping for hawkmoon.
I would like it if he had the helmet exotic engram for sale.
Editado por sk8r Momo Em2: 5/6/2015 5:11:33 PM