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4/12/2015 9:06:06 AM

Game Complaints

Okay. I just had a World of Warcraft type experience and it was so crappy. I would make this complaint to Bungie Support directly, but that does not seem accessible on the site here. I just ran the weekly strike or whatever and had to do it about 10 times. After the second to last time a party member left. Near the end of the final attempt a new guy. We successfully completed Valus Ta'aurc. The stupid part was I didn't get any reward and the guy that joined at the end got a blue engram and a coin. This stacked on top of my frustration with the game turning out to be an FPS version of WoW has left me pretty bitter. I loathe grinding to get a random reward. And then gaining levels is dependent on my gear? Random loot is for people with too much time on their hands. At least make is so that my reward is semi-useful for my level. Fight trash, get trash. Fight a boss, get boss gear. Throughout the whole level I'm getting greens. I'm beyond level 20 now. Why would I want greens except for parts? I can't stand to just keep running this same stupid mission over and over and over and over and over hoping to get something good. That is borderline mentally ill and not fun. Especially trying to do this with a bunch of random, uncoordinated strangers because no one can ever decide whether to be in fireteam chat or strike team chat. Also, in this mission the Psion's are way, way, way too powerful. I want to see the video of someone doing this on heroic without cheesing it. If I had known these things before buying the game I would not currently own it. Bungie, can I get a refund?

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  • This game needs a matchmaking button for raids for people who cant join a team because they don't have a mic, cant speak and/or hear E.g a mute person, deaf person or just plan shy, (I have a deaf friend who plays) why do people insist on having a mic to play a video game?. Now with the rumour that the house of wolves raid will be a level 32 requirement and the only way to get 32 is to complete crota raids most people will not be able to play the house of wolves raid because they cant get into a team and play crota because they don't have a mic. Just my thoughts on the raids.

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