Would like to raid or team up in crucible with a fireteam full of chicks for once. Hey don't get me wrong, MOST of the dudes i've raided with are gentlemen. I've been playing since late November and only ran into 2 chicks. I think i was more excited than the guys to run into another chick.
Anyways, post your psn id if you are on ps4. I have 3 characters of each class ALL LEVEL 32 and I can sword on CROTA normal or hard, i've also completed VOG hard over 30x. Do I qualify? lol Let's make this happen ladies. Guy's if you need a sword person, count me in too :-)
My psn: sharky_707[spoiler][/spoiler]
characters are all 34 and beaten skolas over 22x.
also, as of now compared to back when i posted this in the past....i really dont care for female gamers anymore. i ran into over 20 females. The result, i only liked 2 females because the rest were loud, chatty, needy to be carried, annoying to the point i mute them on the mic lol. etc etc.
Level 40 female warlock Ps4 psn: jaydeleanna :) usually on most days
PSN: youngheather If you want to add me. I haven't done any raiding yet, 25 hunter and 27 warlock.
Psn: ditzypixy please add me I'm a girl
Add me, cherryred808
Proud gamer girl here! Always willing to help. So anyone want to do raids or even just do bounties for the fun or it. Don't hesitate to holla at me. Gt is same as above. Add me :)
any ladies have ps3? i cant seem to make any other female friends when im playing : (
Editado por raziellum: 3/21/2015 12:22:50 PMHi I'm a girl and would love to have other to game with I haven't done a VOG or crota yet but would love to try I'm level 31 hunter my weapons aren't very good yet.
It's about time this happened!! Add Huskyshiba lv 31 hunter would be great to do pvp with other ladies x
I have not raided yet but would really love to learn the mechanics of it sometime! Add me on PSN: Briitz
I'm looking to raid with only chicks cuz some pervs started being disrespectful. My PSN is MinieMe10
I've been playing a lot control/clash lately and i'm interested in running VOG. I'm a level 30 hunter and my psn is kyyna :)
Nrrrdgrrrl4life All characters are 32. I know exactly what you mean though; I always freak out (in a great way) to meet another gamer girl. (: Feel free to add me!
Editado por katforce12: 5/21/2015 12:43:07 PMAdd me if you're looking for more. Titan & warlock are 32, Hunter is 33 since HOW came out. Psn - katforce12 I am in EST zone.
I'm new to destiny :)
Yea Add me Lex42011
I have yet to run into another girl gamer! Gets old always playing with the guys lol I'm on ps4 Psn: inkedgeek7
Lol, I'm loud and chatty,probably annoying also but don't need to be carried.
Add up if y'all ever need help :P addicted to crucible, specially Trails. PSN: TheRealJuliann93
Editado por ms.dos.the.boss: 8/4/2015 2:44:58 PMMe! (: 3 34s, never beaten Skolas but I think it would be fun. Will be on this weekend since I'm working a lot this week. Gamer tag: nrrrdgrrrlforlife (:
Looking for females to play destiny with on ps4. Cris_6708
I could change ur mind about female gamers add cr34tur3_5lim3 only on ps4
Hello Ps4/Ps3 destiny gamers, i am here desperately searching for good and great gamers, with mics, ages 14+, can play great with others, Our clan's name is Night Hawk Raiders. We accept fresh guardians and veterans alike to help level up their characters, get what they need and help them achieve greatness. Im on ps3, but i have a ps4 female admin searching for other female players to join in, males are accepted as well. If your interested, visit our clan page at via bungie.net. If you have any questions please feel free to message me or other admins. Thank you and have a good day :)
DOA is looking for females to join a brand new clan It's called [LADIES OF DOA] Its a all female friendly clan Hoping we could grow that clan We have our own DOA chat for ps3 and ps4 Even the girls would have they own chat Best way to communicate for general chat or some raids and ext., please write to me for more information Thank you .
Lv34 Titan Vog - hard Crota - hard Poe arena lv35 Complete all a few times every week. Happy to help anyone! Add me peeps: refurbfished
I guess it would be more fun to play with good female players haha add me Shagroon_95 I can help with anything even trials
All i gotta say is bump