I'm an orphaned Awoken here! I was left out in the wild for some strangers to find me and I grew up like a Human, with no knowledge of the Reef. Why must you make me cry like I am now?
if you are a orphan awoken and raised by one of the other races you still would have run into other awoken and found out about your race. You would have sought out answers to find out who you are where your race comes from and WHY THE BLAM! YOUR SKIN IS BLUE AND YOUR EYES GLOW LIKE A FIRE FLY! Sorry, just I mean come on.
My human parents kept me locked inside the house for my whole life.
Then when you finally got out (escaped)you would be thirsty for knowledge trying to absorb as much info as possible.
They also painted me tan and made me wear colored contacts since I was an infant, so I didn't know I was an Awoken until I was resurrected by my Ghost.
What ok so your telling me this person never took a bath. Ok now your just saying stuff to say stuff.
You don't know what my life was like.
What ok so your telling me this person never took a bath. Ok now your just saying stuff to say stuff.