All the classes are ressurected, and have no recollection of their past life. So the Awoken wouldn't remember. And your character died about 700 years before Destiny takes place
Also how do you resurrect a skeleton you can't that's why it's more believable that they took out all the cutscenes except the exo and just used that as the standard.
Obviously you can't. That's why it's [b][u]Fiction[/u][/b]
Also it has to make since to the story
The story doesn't make sense at all. It's horrible. That's invalid. I still don't understand why you see it as Sci Fi...
Even thought it's science fiction you have to use science in it so that it makes since. Other wise it's just you pulling it out your ass.
It's not Science Fiction, as there is absolutely no science involved.
Editado por MARINE GRUNT1: 2/25/2015 12:00:30 AMScience fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets. That's why the cutscenes all are from an exo not the others.
But there is no science trying to explain it. It's not science fiction.
What type of game is it classified as?
But if we had the original story line not a chopped up mess then the exo would have been found destroyed outside the wall. And the others would have been found somewhere else in a diffrent ways. All I'm saying is that they need to fix it.
If he died 700 years ago how was he an awoken when they where formed during the last battle after being adrift for hundreds of years