I am gay. I am solemnly asking for all opinions. I don't care if your against gays or homosexuality, I just really want to hear all your opinions. My entire family is against gays because they are Christian so I'm pretty much screwed in life
There was a post down below that genuinely describes my outlook on it. Yes I'm a christian, but I'm also a realist so have two outlooks on everything (that's where these two posts will differ) I'm not a Jesus freak but I do have my beliefs that help dictate my lifestyle. In my family it homosexuality is frowned upon but regardless I have family that is gay/les/pan I however am straight guy and getting married in only six short days (nervousness is finally getting to me lol). Besides the fact that they are gay my family still loves those members unconditionally because family is family no matter their lifestyle. In the future would I let this belief effect my children? To an extent yes, I will teach my children my opinions and when they come of the age of common sense I will tell them its time for them to start making their own opinions. Will I try to keep my child from becoming homosexual? Yes, because the duty of the father is to raise his son or daughter in the light of good and just and I plan to do that exactly. My goal as a father when I become one will be how my father raised me to simply raise my child in a better home then I grew up in during my child hood and I feel this is the true way a parent should behave when raising a child. But in conclusion to my religious outlook on this; do I agree? No; do I approve? No; would I support? No; would I do anything to try to stop society from making this a norm? No, it other peoples lives they can live it out however they wish. In the bible it is summed up to be (like I said I'm not a Jesus freak but I am religious so I won't directly quote) don't hate the sinner hate the sin. Now for my realistic side, please, please, please note that I'm not trying to start any arguments or disputes with this. This is simply my worldly, human, and realistic out look on the subject of homosexuality. As much as I am religious I'm also realistic I am human and as well are the people around me everyday in this world. I see that homosexuality is pushing to become a norm and want to be accepted by society, and that's all fine and dandy, again you are just as human as I and deserve to ee th life you live without being disrupted because your entire life is wrong cause its not. It is no place for anyone to dictate how your life will be lived when you reach the age of gaining common sense what you decide is right and wrong is all you. Just realize there are things that no matter what you think they are legally wrong and could land you in some shitty situations possibly jail time. You are human you do what is right in your eyes who am I to tell you that you are wrong to change cause I don't like how you are. But now let's get to where I might infuriate people. Where is the logic in homosexuality? I have asked this to countless gays and lesbians, skirting their actual sexual pleasures, I have not received a real answer beside from what can be summed up as: 1.) Getting too close to your best friend, 2.) Not confident around the opposite sex but most comfortable with a same sex person, 3.) The people feel nothing for the opposite sex because of various reasons (drama, stereotypes, too proud to be like others and just settle etc...)and my favorite by my lesbian friend who I can't deny feels and acts more like a bro then anything says her logic is: who doesn't like a good set of knockers? Lol again people this is my realistic side and I can not disagree with the previous question. But I'm a very logical person and down to the real life and future life question. What is the point? As humans we are very slightly above animals and the fact that proves this for me is we have intellect and are able to override natural instinct with intuition. So through just the simple course of the life cycle homosexuality just kinda breaks it... You are unable to reproduce (naturally). Yes I am religious but science is real, theories are not, science is. Again this is a general outlook on my view of the subject religiously, logically, and scientifically. From my eyes it does not make sense. No I do not approve, no I will not support but nor will I be the one to try and destroy your life, just question it until I get an answer, What is the point? But let's face you, the reader, are human, you make your own choices and live you life how you wish. Be happy and live life guardian.
It is not my place to judge.
You aren't -blam!-ed in life. If your parents or family cant accept it then you can either leave them when you get out of high school or try to make them understand. I'm currently in the military and have many gay friends. Some prefer to keep it secret while others openly express it, then there are the ones who over-express it. There are ignorant people in this world, a lot of time religious beliefs impede the progression of enlightenment of mankind. As long as we do not accept certain beliefs, races, sexes, and even sexualities, we will not make ourselves more intelligent.
Honestly I don't care one way or another. You're gay? Ok good for you. You're straight? Ok good for you. You want to -blam!- attack helicopters? ...hmm... alright then...
Editado por GammaF88: 4/5/2015 12:35:49 AMThey're people, like most other folks. No better or worse than anyone else, as a whole. Being gay shouldn't be considered a crime, but on the flip side, it shouldn't be considered a damn badge of honor either. They're just normal people, end of story. Inequality between races/genders/sexualities/religions/whateverthe-blam!-we'reonaboutthistime is such a problem because people continue to define each other by them. Even if someone thinks they're helping, by pointing out that someone is a black/Muslim/gay/woman/immigrant/banana/yougettheideaalready, they're only perpetuating the issue by dividing people up into these categories.
Gay people are no different than straight people, and deserve the same rights as everyone else. Using religion as a tool for hate mongering is disgusting, just as any other form of discrimination is. As a straight man I just want the LGBT community to know that not everyone is an asshole and that there are so many people who support you. You do you friend and I've got your back
Editado por TehPwnShow: 4/5/2015 6:47:44 AMIf you're smart and rational, you don't have a problem with homosexuality. If you have a problem with it, then you're simply an imbecile stuck in the past with the mentality of an idiot. Simple as that. [spoiler]I'm straight btw[/spoiler]
It's like they need to announce this to complete strangers... "Hello my name is xxxx , and I'm gay" So? What do want? A cookie?
Editado por UPS Trucker Hat: 4/5/2015 12:30:27 AMI'm a Christian and I have several gay friends. I don't agree with their lifestyle and think it is sinful, but any other sin is just as bad. Sin is sin and we all do it, so I don't judge. none of us are perfect. I'm curious, would you call me bigot? Because that's what the media says you all call us. (I don't trust the media) A pastor at my church is homosexual and he has a wife. He is living a happy and wonderful life. Regardless of who we are, Gods love has washed us clean, if you accept his son.
*Sighs* Oh Christianity, how you [u][b]FÛCK[/b][/u] Everything up. I'm perfectly fine with homosexuals, Lesbians, Pansexual, ECT. I mean, really, I just watched a Video about this topic.
I don't mind them as long as they don't act like mincers. There's gay, and then there is mincer. Hell, I know straight people I know who act like mincers
So what? I couldn't care less if a person was straight, gay or bisexual. Its what they want to be not what everyone else thinks they should be. Im straight but I don't really like it when people are homophobic as I have a friend who is bi and he went out with a few guys so I understand it a little more where as before I used to hate gays. You just have to have a close friend who is gay/bi to understand it properly.
It is so awesome too know that the gaming community can care less if u like dudes or chicks it really should be irrelevant I mean as long as u can hold your own in my fire team I can care less what u do in your private time
Doesn't matter to me, but all the gay pride things and help groups to me just sound like there trying to say it's something wrong that needs support with, it's treating people the same by treating them differently?? Doesn't make sense, plus if I went out and did a straight pride parade I'd be labeled a homophobe. It's not a big deal now and people need to get over themselves
Ya know I don't wanna be mean to any one... but it really grosses me out.
So long as they maintain their own civility I don't care. But often I see them use their preferences to force business' to pay large amounts of money, because the owner didn't want to do business.
[b] [/b]
There gay
I think they are gay. Not really much more you can say about such a general range of people.
I'd take the company of a homosexual any -blam!-ing day over straight
I'm against the uber gay ones with high pitch voices and act like women. That's not what you have to do to be gay you know.
Don't care if you're gay or not, just understand that I'm a heterosexual and we're cool.
Aaron from TWD seems cool but I generally don't care for sissy people that includes chicks who are scared of spiders
Everyone has their own cup of tea.
From a Christian viewpoint, homosexuality is a sin. BUT, not once did Christ mention homosexuality during his time on Earth. He just said to love others as yourself. I see the LGBT community as normal people fooled into living a false life by sin. My only job is to say I (and my God) love you anyway, and that Christ can change your life, if you so choose. [spoiler]Bigotry fueled "christians" are doing it wrong[/spoiler]
I'm gay too don't worry you're not alone. Sucks about the parents though. I was lucky enough to have open-minded accepting parents. But hey, you don't have to stay connected to your family, if/when you're an adult you can cut them out of your life if they don't support you.