
6, Jul 2013 - Dust

Happy Bungie Day! All week long, we've been dropping sweet loots to celebrate the rich heritage of the Bungie Community, and to build anticipation for the next destination that we'll all reach together. On this, the seventh day of the seventh month, we land squarely in the middle of that theme and that timeline.

Someone who has a very unique understanding of both our storied history and our hopeful future is Jason Jones. Not only was he the co-founder of our studio, not only was he the creator of our iconic worlds, he's the man who will claim personal responsibility for every piece of Destiny. He doesn't always talk about his work, but when he does, he talks to a deeply passionate gamer like IGN's Ryan McCaffrey. Ryan has studied Bungie enough (and played enough of our games) to write an expertly-researched book. On the advent of Bungie Day, he's penned an epic recap of a conversation that was shared by both gentlemen while they attended E3.

His recount of that morning is a delicious, three course meal:

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