you know what i'm tired of? the TEAMSHOOTING
it never used to be this bad, anyone able to give me a thorough explanation as to what's happened to push people to teamshoot in a game with super high TTK's? it makes crucible an absolute slog, not to mention how everyone uses pulses now so peeking a lane = you get lit up by seal team 6 lol
Map design is way too linear and small, meta has always highlighted 2/3 weapons over archetypes. Bungie seems to only cater to a very small group of highly competitive D2 crucible elites, then generalise it to the rest of the population, hence trails taking this many years to be eventually completely redesigned...
There's always rumble for loners like you
Well, if you play teambased content in pvp, it's what to expect, complaining about it make you look silly. Happy new year.
There is no “skill” in 6’s. Tag and run. Playing your life and team shooting takes no skill. It’s just a chaotic fun mode.
It wouldn't be so bad if you were allowed to move how you wanted to.
hmu for pms - antiguos
It’s all linked. Because bungie punishes aggression due to the prevalence of ability spam, everyone wants to play it safe and deathball and lane all game. -
It's because they don't punish KD boosting. I'd force you into a max rank game and see how fast you quit. You'd permanently be rank 55 (using Halo 2's 50 rank skill based MM system) for the rest of the act.
Yep i feel you. Everyone holding hands so you get obliterated by pulses. Most in here would never understand why this is a bad meta so we are kinda SoL
Rumble exists