Centipede, Anteater and nothing but contacting servers again. 5:25 PST
I'm getting lots of beaver. Normally I wouldn't complain but...
Two things Bungo are consistently good at. Telling lies. Incompetency. Make of that what you will.
there is no DDoS, bungo just fked up, as usualy. I hope u didnt preorder new DLC. If you did, maybe its time for refund
I'm not buying DDoS, their servers have done this after an emergency server side change to the game before.
Nope. It's just Bungie trying to shift the blame again. Game was working fine over the weekend. But they take it offline to attempt maintenance, and this happens. And with how much Bungie talks up their Internet safety, does anyone seriously believe they've been DDOSed? Unless, of course, they've been lying this whole time, which I find very easy to believe.
I expect every time Bungie breaks the servers from now on for them to be like, "It's a DDoS attack again, we don't plan to talk about them in the future."
i think destiny is done,they need to do something big to fix it. kinda weird they dont wanna do a rollback,so there is something fishy going on atm. ddos attack? It's as true as us living on the moon
yea sure, DDoS, ot maybe somebody spilled watter on their server, or maybe their building is overheating, maybe its flying the air. No definetly DDoS But yea, bungo fked server once again (itsnt it like every month?) so it will be unplayable for few more days
I was able to be online earlier than planned - and than goodness! Now I can update to say I've been hit by bee, bee, weasel, then the loading queue and then it ultimately said the servers weren't responding. 2:10pm PST 9/22 Thoughts and prayers to these servers.
Editado por Shalamai: 9/21/2023 11:35:58 PMContinual bee errors. It is impossible to play the game. Can't get back in for more than a couple of minutes.
DDOS attacks prove no point and are just boring. They're sad they didn't get to keep their completely broken weapons forever I guess? Maybe they just need to play something else.
Same here in the midwest,,, anteater, weasel, booted, repeat.
Editado por Kruno19: 9/22/2023 12:23:00 AMSame here. I've been in 10 crucial matches and none of them finished. Was booted out everytime and sometimes brought back in to get booted out.
I am getting so many errors i am going to open a zoo.
Yeah its ddos for days now . Some cheater hacker didnt like getting owned this past weekend in trials when his hacks couldnt save him from the auto rifle's . It also could be someone is upset bungie took away there unlimited ammo grenade launcher . One things for sure we didnt have this problem until the bug weekend. So it could be any number of players doing it. If they catch them they could face up to 10 years in prison .
The Bee has been stinging and can't even get a strike done. Oh and it's even effecting the forums to the point its telling me there is something wrong with my Internet, when there is nothing wrong. Definitely a DDoS by butthurt entitled spoilt children because they can't get their own way from an unintentional glitch they want to exploit and cheat with!
Same, constant baboon arses
Unplayable and unbearable experience tbh, I can’t be more disappointed of bungie at this point, I literally got booted in the final stand of crota in master and I can’t get online anymore, and this has been happening for three days...
Baboon, bee, chicken, Weasel
I was fine for about 30 minutes, but it has been 10 minutes' worth of constant disconnects afterward. Weasel errors or the game boots me out.
Can't connect at all still, been ongoing all week
Editado por trafficlaw: 9/21/2023 11:32:15 PMCurrently getting constantly kicked. Unplayable.
Editado por Rue McClanahan: 9/22/2023 2:37:10 PMBack with another report today of my ongoing journey with codes - in order: Centipede, Baboon, Weasel, and just now Currant - 4:20PST Thursday 5/21 Catch me here again tomorrow, same place same time (I'm guessing).
Thank you for being a friend!
There are a multitude of sites that track DDOS attacks worldwide in real-time. Easy enough to see if Bungie is being DDOS'd and what the bandwidth of that attack is currently running, which makes it easy enough to see if the claim is legit.