Last week I bought the Eververse package with the Luminous Void shader specifically because it made my gear purple for my Void builds. There was no warning in Eververse that it was bugged AND it was still being sold & shown off in its apparently Bugged state. I didn't know it was bugged until today when they "fixed" it. Posting something to a random social media account but not taking it out of the store and selling it without a warning in the store is not only Scummy but depending where you live, it's also illegal.
Now the shader is this ugly flat gray & of course the super community centered Bungie has no customer service or contact form other than "go to our forums" which should also be illegal since they sell products that may require service for any issues.
I have photos of my character all last week being purple, the reason I paid the insane price for a shader inside of an ornament pack for a weapon I barely use. I understand the price includes the ornament etc so I'm not saying "Hey give me all my money back" but you can't do this. If something is being shown off as one thing and "fixed" to another then it should be taken out of the store till fixed OR a warning should be IN THE STORE because a random X post doesn't get to 95% of the playerbase.
TLDR: I bought the Luminous Void pack last week specifically because it was purple for my Void builds, Bungie apparently knew it was bugged but kept selling it anyways. They "fixed" it today and it is no longer in the state I paid for it. I'd like some sort of fix from Bungie so I don't have to file a formal complaint with any/all business/customer legal complaint services in all effected areas.
Thank You.
PS: I'm not mad. I'm just once again disappointed in how Bungie handles these things. It's depressing they care so little.
Editado por viiTactiiCZz: 9/8/2023 8:16:11 AMContact your platform support, but be aware a silver refund that you've already spent the silver for will put you in the negative and block you from Eververse. [quote]so I don't have to file a formal complaint with any/all business/customer legal complaint services in all effected areas.[/quote] please don't tell me you mean BBB - because they can do absolutely nothing, and a decent amount of countries court systems will accept 'it was broken and we fixed it - here are where we announced it x/y/z' as a defence over it.