[b]THIS THREAD HAS BEEN RETIRED. PLEASE FIND OUR UPDATED THREAD [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/246955222]HERE[/url].[/b]
The following is a collection of content hosted on Help.Bungie.net, dealing with Destiny 2 purchase, installation, and gameplay.
[quote][b]Getting Started[/b]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=45171]Install Guide[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46180]Destiny 2 Guided Support[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46776]Warmind Guide[/url]
[quote][b]Destiny 2 PC Support[/b]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=45899]Destiny 2 PC Guide[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/236455208]Destiny 2 PC Vital Information and Known Issues List [/url]
[quote][b]Eververse Support[/b]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Purchasing Silver[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Bright Engrams[/url]
• [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13665]Bright Dust[/url]
• [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13639]Reporting an Eververse Issue[/url][/quote]
[b][u]EMERGENT ISSUES[/u][/b]
For a localized list of known issues, see the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/46168] Destiny 2 Known Issues Help Article[/url].
To report issues or ask for assistance, please make a thread in [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Topics?pNumber=0&tSort=3&tType=0&d=0&tg=Help&lang=en]#Help[/url].
• [b]Prismatic Matrix UI:[/b] We have investigated an issue where the [armory]Mihaylova’s Path[/armory] Warlock Boots were incorrectly being marked as received in the Prismatic Matrix for players who own the [armory]Mihaylova’s Choice[/armory] Warlock Chest. These boots may still be obtained through the Prismatic Matrix, creating the appearance of a duplicate drop. Our investigation has confirmed that the Prismatic Matrix is not awarding duplicate drops, and that this is an issue with the Prismatic Matrix user interface. This issue is now resolved.[i]- Added 6/19/2018[/i]
• [b]Spire of Stars Hunter Loot:[/b] We are investigating reports from players indicating that some loot sources in the Spire of Stars Raid Lair are not dropping loot for Hunters. [i]- Added 6/18/2018[/i]
• [b][armory]Data Mine[/armory] and [armory]Cold Comfort[/armory] Emblem Issues:[/b] We are investigating issues that prevent players from equipping the Data Mine and Cold Comfort emblems after completing their tooltip objectives.
• [b]Dead Orbit Hunter Chest Ornament:[/b] We are investigating player reports regarding Super multi-kills not counting toward unlocking the [armory]Arach's Chosen Vestments[/armory] Ornament. [b]Players who encounter this issue should report to the #Help forum with any video footage they have outlining this issue[/b].
• [b]Dead Orbit Hunter Gauntlet Ornament:[/b] We are investigating an issue where charged melee kills with the Arcstrider "Way of the Warrior" Subclass tree are not unlocking the Dead Orbit Hunter Gauntlet Ornament [armory]Arach's Chosen Grips[/armory].
• [b]Faction Helmet Ornaments:[/b] We are investigating an issue in which the Mercury Lost Sector does not count towards progress on the Faction Helmet Ornaments. Players should be able to progress the Faction Helmet Ornaments in the Lost Sectors of other Destinations.
• [b]Xbox One Login:[/b] We are investigating reports regarding an issue which is impacting some players' ability to log in or launch Destiny 2 on Xbox One. Players who can provide video footage of this issue as they are encountering it should report to the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Topics/?tg=Help]#Help[/url] forum.
• [b]Prototype Engrams and Powerful Rewards:[/b] We are investigating an issue where players who level up and earn a Prototype Engram when turning in a Milestone for a Powerful Engram will not actually receive the Powerful Engram. In the meantime, players can work around this issue by making sure they are not near the level up threshold when turning in Milestones.
• [b][armory]Finite Impactor[/armory] Masterwork Enemies Defeated:[/b] Players may observe that the Finite Impactor Iron Banner Hand Cannon does not correctly track Enemies Defeated in its tooltip.
• [b][armory]Braytech RWP Mk.II[/armory] Masterwork Enemies Defeated:[/b] Players may observe that the Masterwork Braytech RWP Mk.II does not correctly track Enemies Defeated in its tooltip.
• [b][armory]Victorious Veteran[/armory] Kill Tracking:[/b] We are investigating an issue where the Victorious Veteran Crucible emblem may not be accurately tracking Crucible kills for some players.
• [b]Mars Adventures Unavailable:[/b] We are investigating an issue where Mars [i]non-Heroic[/i] Adventures are not available for some players.
• [b][armory]Rat King[/armory] and Vanishing Step[/b]: We are investigating an issue where activating Vanishing Step while invisible from Rat King's Vermin perk does not activate invisibility with Vanishing Step, leaving the player visible.
• [b]Melee Abilities While Holding a Relic:[/b] We are investigating an issue where some subclasses do not perform a relic melee while their melee ability is charged.
• [b]Radiolarian Cultures:[/b] We are investigating an issue in which players will not receive Radiolarian Cultures from opening chests or completing public events on Mars. Players can still receive Radiolarian Cultures by opening chests and completing public events on other Destinations.
• [b]Mars Flashpoint Milestone:[/b] We are aware of reports that the Flashpoint: Mars Milestone may not be available for some characters and are currently investigating.
• [b]Mars Flashpoint Rewards:[/b] We are investigating an issue where bonus Flashpoint bosses in Mars Public Events do not drop additional tokens when defeated.
• [b][armory]Spire Star[/armory]:[/b] The Spire Star Emblem from completing the Spire of Stars Raid Lair currently tracks Prestige Spire of Stars Raid Lair completions, which players cannot earn progression toward.
• [b][armory]West of Sunfall 7[/armory] and [armory]A Cold Sweat[/armory]:[/b] We are investigating an issue which is impacting the recoil of the West of Sunfall 7 and A Cold Sweat Precision Hand Cannons.
• [b]Data Fragments:[/b] We are investigating reports from players describing being unable to progress beyond 44/45 Data Fragments on Mars. In the meantime, players who believe they are affected should double-back to ensure they have not overlooked fragments on Mars.
• [b]Emissary Spire Quest:[/b] We are monitoring player reports of an issue impacting some players where the Emissary does not grant a reward package upon winning games in Trials of the Nine. Please post in #Help if you experience this issue.
• [b]Eater of Worlds Challenge:[/b] We are investigating reports that the Eater of Worlds Raid Lair Challenge "By the Light" may not be incrementing as expected.
• [b]Extra Ammo Perks:[/b] We are investigating an issue in which weapons with perks that provide extra ammo may get into a state in which they have an ammo inventory that is not divisible by the by the burst fire's projected amount. In this state, the weapon will round down it's available ammo to correct the discrepancy.
• [b][armory]Echo Mesa[/armory] Emblem Variant:[/b] We are investigating an issue in which equipping the "Echo Mesa' emblem variant called "Taken Resurgence" removes the option to equip a different variant. Players must unequip the Echo Mesa Emblem to re-access the variant options.
• [b]Exotic Armor Tooltips:[/b] We are aware of an issue in which the perk text on Warmind Exotic Armor tooltips appears in a different color than on similar gear pieces. This does NOT mean that players to need to unlock these perks to be able to access them. We are investigating a fix for this issue.
• [b]Traditional Chinese UI:[/b] We are investigating an issue in which players are experiencing very long UI load times when playing Destiny 2 using Traditional Chinese.
• [b]Masterwork Weapon Stats:[/b] We are investigating an issue in which a weapon that already has a stat at or near the maximum for that stat may not receive the full Masterwork increase for that stat in the UI or in gameplay.
• [b]Mercury Flashpoint:[/b] We are investigating an issue in which the Daily Milestone may occasionally not be available when Mercury is the Flashpoint destination.
• [b]Masterwork Swords:[/b] We are monitoring reports of an issue in which Masterwork Swords do not have the Rework Weapon option available. If you encounter this issue, please report it in the #Help forums.
See the posts below for [b]RESOLVED ISSUES[/b].[/spoiler]
Editado por BNGHelp4: 7/11/2018 4:08:06 PM[b]THIS THREAD HAS BEEN RETIRED. PLEASE FIND OUR UPDATED THREAD [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/246955222]HERE[/url].[/b] [spoiler][b][u]RESOLVED ISSUES[/u][/b] For a list of the most recent updates to Destiny 2, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Category?category=Updates]click here[/url]. [b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/46973][/url] Resolved Issues[/b] [b]General[/b] • Fixed an issue where the Lupus Visage Ornament for Fighting Lion was not correctly granted to players who purchased the Iron Ornament Bundle [b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/46933][/url] Resolved Issues[/b] [b]Activities[/b] • Fixed an issue where Nightfall Unique Rewards were not available [b]Bungie.net and Destiny Companion App[/b] • Fixed an issue where players could fully un-equip weapons from weapon slots using the Bungie.net API [b]Miscellaneous [/b] • Fixed an issue where players with Nvidia-powered laptops would launch into a permanent black screen and were unable to progress to gameplay [b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/Update/46900]1.2.1[/url] Resolved Issues[/b] [b]Sandbox[/b] Perks [i]Trench Barrel[/i] • Fixed a bug that allowed this perk to activate after making melee attacks on friendly targets. [b]Activities[/b] Crucible [i]General[/i] • Fixed an issue where players would lose Rank Points for leaving a match too soon after the match ends. • Fixed a memory issue that was causing PC players running at low texture quality to frequently hit BEET or KALE errors while loading into 6v6 Iron Banner. • Fixed the space flights of 3+ minutes players experienced while loading into 6v6 Iron Banner that were caused when they hit BEET and KALE errors. Public Events • Fixed an issue that prevented players from triggering the Heroic “Warsat Down” public event when Shriekers would close too quickly. Strikes • Fixed an issue where players could join in-progress and become stuck behind a door in the strike “Exodus Crash.” • Fixed an issue where Heroic strike milestones and quests was not progressing due to Vanguard Boons. • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck joining allies repeatedly in the strike “Lake of Shadows.” Raid • Fixed an issue where launching a one-use Super just as you catch the “Spire of Stars” relic would not consume Super energy. • Fixed an issue where Calus’s shield had greater health than intended. • Updated the Guided Game tooltip to correctly reflect the required Power level to launch. • Robes of Sekris (Warlock raid chest armor) will now display hanging cloth correctly. Warmind Campaign • Fixed an issue where some enemies were granting higher-than-intended XP from the mission “Pilgrimage.” [b]Eververse[/b] Prismatic Matrix • Fixed an issue where players would see a permanent waypoint over Tess when they had a Prismatic Facet in their character inventory. • Fixed an issue where the Prismatic Matrix icon did not have an indicator when new items were available. • Fixed an issue where the Prismatic Matrix icon was not highlighted when players had a Prismatic Facet in their character inventory. [b]Clans[/b] • The Clan XP Milestone now properly grants powerful rewards when it is turned in. • A few players would receive a Clan Banner very frequently. This should be fixed, and now players can discard any Clan Banners at the Postmaster. [b]Emotes[/b] General • Resolved an issue where some players who owned the “Salute” emote were unable to equip it. • The “Awaken the Warmind” emote no longer displays after the emote has been interrupted. [b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/Update/46866][/url] Resolved Issues[/b] [b]Inventory[/b] • Emblems introduced in Season 3 are now visible within the Emblem Collection for all players • Fixed an issue where some players could not equip the Shadow Dance emote [b]Vendors[/b] • Fixed an issue where the Gunsmith was not selling Legendary Modifications to players who did not own Expansion 2 [b]Strikes[/b] • Fixed an issue where the Heroic Strike Playlist would sometimes launch players into Vanguard Strikes [b]Crucible[/b] • Players can no longer summon Sparrows on Meltdown • Fixed an issue where Iron Banner ornaments were receiving progress from alternate Crucible playlists [b]Raid[/b] • The Contender's Shell perk "Seeker of Brilliance" now properly grants Season 3 Prototype Engrams (Was incorrectly granting Season 2 Illuminated engrams) [b]Sandbox[/b] • Fixed an issue where Rat King was incorrectly granting ammo to alternate weapons [b]Destiny Companion API[/b] • Fixed an issue where players were unable to interact with their Characters or Inventory on Bungie.net, the Destiny Companion App, or 3rd party apps [b]General[/b] • Fixed an issue causing frame rate issues on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro [/spoiler]